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Analysis of HEPA filters

Filtros HepaLatin America. Respiratory problems are mainly caused by particles present in the environment, which is why companies in the air conditioning, refrigeration and ventilation sector are constantly looking for alternatives that guarantee cleaner air inside enclosures, both for people and for food, equipment, materials, among others, that can be contaminated.

Among these alternatives are HEPA filters, a word that is increasingly common to see within the specifications of some devices.

What is a HEPA filter?
They are called HEPA filters because their name comes from High Efficiency Particulate Air, and their translation is "High Efficiency Particulate Air"

HEPA filters are considered as such because they meet specific conditions; They go through specific manufacturing procedures in order to pass a series of tests and have certain labels. All under an established standard for this type of filters. Within the HEPA classification there are subclasses, where the minimum is that a filter is capable of capturing or retaining at least 99.97% of the particles that have a diameter of 3 microns. If it does not reach that minimum, it cannot be marketed as a HEPA filter.

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There is a big difference between a normal filter and a HEPA filter, the latter being more advanced in terms of efficiency. Therefore, when a device comes on the market with a HEPA filter, it can be considered to have gone through the most thorough controls and offers the highest particle holding capacity that is possible to achieve under current technology.

Achieving such high levels of efficiency that guarantee the almost total absence of particles, is due to the fact that these filters have several different systems. Its operation is complex.

How does a HEPA filter work?
Its function is to stop the passage of particles. However, there are particles of many classes and sizes, hence most filters are effective against some and ineffective against others.

A HEPA filter is effective against particles of all kinds because it has mechanisms that allow neutralizing the different types of particles.

Pollen, animal dander, mites, etc., each type of particle has dimensions and behavior, for that, a HEPA filter has different barrier methods in order to ensure that the particles that manage to overcome one level, are trapped in the next.

A HEPA filter is composed of a mesh of randomly installed fibers. These fibers are usually layers of cellulose, synthetic fiber and / or glass fibers, and are arranged in the form of an accordion, which means that their surface is larger and therefore they have more capacity to capture these particles.

The process has several stages:
The thickest particles are trapped by inertial impact in the first layer.
Medium-sized particles that continue their trajectory driven by air are trapped in subsequent barriers.
Finally, those that have crossed the two previous systems, which are of a very small size imperceptible to the human being, end up colliding with gas molecules, which is called diffusion.

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Whatever type of HEPA filter a device or equipment contains, it is always important to maintain proper cleaning, which is very simple. It is enough to remove it and proceed to its manual cleaning so that it is again ready to fulfill its function.

The remarkable efficiency of HEPA filters for particle containment makes the equipment that contains them a guarantee against problems such as allergies.

Also those who suffer from asthma, will find a remarkable relief if in their home or office there is a device with HEPA filter.

When among the characteristics of a computer mention this type of filter, it is a guarantee that it is equipped with the best tools to fulfill its function. Not all filters are created equal.

* Tecam article -

Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Author: Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Jefe Editorial en Latin Press, Inc,.
Comunicador Social y Periodista con experiencia de más de 16 años en medios de comunicación. Apasionado por la tecnología y por esta industria. [email protected]

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