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Kingspan developed a new tool called BIM Designer

Kingspan - BIM DesignerInternational. The goal of the project is to deliver managed structured data directly from the source throughout the design phase. BIM Designer offers a multi-CAD approach to BIM object delivery, ensuring a direct link to product data managed by Kingspan.

The web-based tool (BIM Designer) will provide users with access to the brand's entire product range, launching with Kingspan Insulated Panels and Kingspan Façades. BIM Designer is easy to use and offers effective flexibility to configure the product range, allowing designers to customize products and achieve precise design requirements.

BIM Designer enables multidisciplinary collaboration, eliminating interoperability issues that designers frequently encounter, by delivering BIM objects in 140 native file formats, including Autodesk Revit, Graphisoft ARCHICAD, and Trimble Tekla.

Registering for the BIM Designer tool is free and, after registration, it is available for everyone to use and explore the Kingspan product range. Along with configurable BIM objects, 3D PDF product data sheets are available for download after configuration containing updated product information such as: U-value, fire behavior, and acoustic performance. Along with the 3D PDF, Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) modes are available within the tool, offering various output streams that enhance the user's client presentations.

- Publicidad -

Recognizing the problem of overmodeling, BIM Designer has been developed to provide multiple levels of detail, ensuring that users get the right level of detail in the conceptual, developed and technical design stages. Once created, the downloaded custom component will include dynamic and essential product-related information.

The company added that along with custom components, Kingspan Revit project files (.rvt) are available, offering a higher level of flexibility. These project files include the option to switch from metric to imperial measures, as well as being able to apply regional standards in the tool, optimizing convenience for designers working on international projects. The Revit families contained in the project files contain dynamic product information, along with direct links to the NBS website for product specifications when available, further enriching data transparency.

Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Author: Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Jefe Editorial en Latin Press, Inc,.
Comunicador Social y Periodista con experiencia de más de 16 años en medios de comunicación. Apasionado por la tecnología y por esta industria. [email protected]

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