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Lower costs and improve efficiency

altEnergy expenditure in a building remains one of the main consumption concerns of a building. There are already alternatives that help to significantly reduce the cost of energy. by Lennox

When it comes to keeping up with changing energy efficiency standards for the commercial sector, many companies are taking the initiative to get ahead of current energy regulations. Typically, the first steps they take to comply with such regulations are to install a new energy-efficient HVAC system and replace any fluorescent lighting with LED lights or compact fluorescent lamps. Replacing old and outdated lights and equipment with new, more energy-efficient options is the fastest way for customers to start seeing an immediate and lasting improvement in energy efficiency, as well as a significant reduction in utility costs. Whether you're still exploring different energy-saving measures or looking for ways to save even more, there are a few actions worth taking if you want to decrease a building's energy consumption. Getting ahead of the norm
ASHRAE 90.1 and the California Code of Regulations (commonly known as Title 24) require that all direct expansion cooling units with constant volume, allocated to a single zone, of 110,000 Btu or more, have supply fans controlled by two-speed motors or variable speed drives. Consequently, many manufacturers offer staged air volume systems to help constructions meet these requirements. Switch to solar technology
According to the Solar Electric Power Association of the United States, last year solar was the fastest growing source of electric power in this country, as established by the number of systems installed and by the large increase in the capacity to provide utilities from solar energy. A drastic reduction in solar PV costs and significant federal tax credits, along with state and regional incentives, make electric power more attractive than ever. Since the HVAC system uses 40 – 60% of a commercial building's energy consumption*, combining solar energy use with a highly energy-efficient split, ducted, or roof unit is a great way to help customers reduce utility costs, decrease reliance on the electric grid, and reduce carbon emissions. Identify the causes of energy waste
An energy audit, conducted by an accredited professional, can help identify energy waste factors. From this diagnosis you can help your clients implement the changes they can make for their maximum benefit. Keep your customers' equipment running at maximum capacity year-round with regular preventive maintenance. Not only will it save you time in the future to get the job done, but it will also help your customers lower utility costs. *Source: U.S. Department of Energy

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