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Six hot air problems

We present a series of ways to combat the different drawbacks generated by hot air.

by Lennox

As the cold weather shifts inland, humidity levels naturally decrease. This occurs because cold air cannot retain as much moisture as warm air. The ideal indoor humidity level during the winter should be around 45 percent. But dry winter air can cause a substantial reduction in humidity to levels of 15 percent or less. This imbalance of humidity can lead to a series of problems that can affect your health, your home and especially your comfort.

Problem 1: Hot Air and Disease Prevention
The upper part of your respiratory system, including your throat and nose, is lined with moist membranes. These membranes serve to trap dirt, dust, viruses, and bacteria before they reach your lungs. When these membranes lose too much moisture due to dry air, their ability to capture particles is compromised.

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Adequate humidity levels help these membranes do their job, preventing harmful particles from entering the delicate areas of your lungs. So if you take steps to keep the right amount of moisture in your air conditioner, you can reduce your risk of disease.

Problem 2: Hot air is not good for the nose
In some people, too dry air can cause another uncomfortable and unpleasant symptom: itching and discomfort in the nasal passages. Because most breathing is done through the nose, low humidity levels can cause dryness and irritation inside the nose. Not only is this painful, but it can cause nosebleeds. However, properly humidified air keeps the nasal passages healthy and comfortable with each breath.

Problem 3: A low level of humidity resents the skin
More than half of the skin is made up of water. Therefore, when the air lacks moisture, the skin begins to dry out. This can cause itching, peeling, and tension around the joints. It can also cause painful cracking of the skin and lips. Too dry air can also cause breakouts of existing skin problems, including eczema and acne. However, humidified air can help the skin stay in good shape throughout the winter, even the most inclement.

Problem 4: Static electricity
When the air has an adequate level of humidity, the static electricity from your residence dissipates naturally. However, when the air is too dry, this electricity begins to accumulate. This can cause blankets and clothing to stick. And it can cause small painful electric shocks every time you touch the doorknob or other metal surface.

When the air contains enough moisture, electricity dissipates before it can build up. Thanks to this, the occupants do not feel the electric shocks, and there is no problem when laying the bed or folding clothes.

Problem 5: Damage to your residence
Dry air tries to absorb moisture wherever you can find it. This means that during a cold winter dry air can begin to draw moisture from your home structure. As your home dries up, you'll notice that the floors, particularly the hardwood floors, will start to creak more.

Dry air can also extract moisture from the wood in your home frame, causing alterations to the walls and door jambs. This can make doors difficult to open and close, and create gaps between ceilings and walls. These spaces can also be formed in windows made entirely of wood. This allows the entry of cold winter air, thus increasing the cost of the heating bill.

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Problem 6: Damage to your furniture
As the air in your home becomes drier, it can begin to damage not only the structure of the building, but the things inside. Wooden furniture can start to bend and even crack. Musical instruments can lose their shape and tuning. Even paper items like books and artwork can become fragile, deformed, and wrinkled.

How to combat hot air
If you want to avoid the ordeal, discomfort and damage caused by dry air, there are two types of whole-house humidifiers available on the market. Each of them will help mitigate the problems caused by dry air. And unlike portable humidifiers, which only restore moisture in one room, whole-house humidifiers help preserve comfort and healthier air in each of the rooms.

Bypass humidifiers
A bypass humidifier is one that uses the airflow generated by your heating system or air conditioner to bring moisture throughout the house. Bypass humidifiers are typically installed out of sight, in the basement or attic, and require very little maintenance.

For example, the Lennox HCWB17 shunt humidifier can add up to 17 gallons of moisture to the air flowing through ducts daily. It also has optional automatic humidity controls that regulate the water that is added to the air, depending on the settings you make. Thus, you can specify the interior humidity you prefer to reach the exact level of comfort you want.

Humidifiers with built-in fan
Unlike bypass humidifiers, which require a heater or air conditioner to circulate moisture, a humidifier with a built-in fan employs its own electric fan to distribute moist air throughout the home. The Lennox HCWP18 is such a humidifier, which can add up to 18 gallons of moisture to the air circulating daily in your home.

Because it uses its own high-powered fan, it can moisten the air even when your heating and air conditioning system is not working. And due to its large capacity, it is ideal for larger houses that need greater moisture circulation.

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Do not suffer during the winter.
The cold makes winter already pretty bad. Don't let dry air add to your discomfort. Don't let it damage your home or your belongings. Take control with a humidifier and enjoy comfortable, healthy air year-round.

Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Author: Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Jefe Editorial en Latin Press, Inc,.
Comunicador Social y Periodista con experiencia de más de 16 años en medios de comunicación. Apasionado por la tecnología y por esta industria. [email protected]

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