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AHR Expo presented the winners of the Innovation Awards 2020

United States. AHR Expo announced the winners of the 2020 AHR Expo Innovation Awards. Organized annually by the fair, products in 10 industrial categories are recognized for their innovative contribution to the HVAC/R industry. Winning products, technologies and systems from each award category will be formally recognized during the 2020 AHR Expo, Feb. 3-5 at the Orange County Convention Center in Orlando, Florida.

Building Automation
Delta Controls Inc. - O3 Sensor Hub 2.0

Innovation: The O3 Sensor Hub 2.0 combines seven different sensors to provide the most accurate view of an interior space available on the market. IoT-enabled to function as a standalone room controller, the O3 Sensor Hub 2.0 combines temperature sensing, occupancy detection, humidity, and wireless integration into one. This innovation uses Sensor Fusion to improve the occupant experience with greater room control and to reduce detections of false occupations.

Danfoss - Danfoss Micro Interlaced Channel Heat Exchanger (iMCHE)

Innovation: The Danfoss Micro Interlaced Channel Heat Exchanger (iMCHE) integrates multiple circuits into a single coil. It works by using a shared air heat transfer area and controlling each independently by a system of multiple circuits. The iMCHE uses a full air lateral heat transfer when operating under part load conditions to maximize efficiency. According to the results of a recent case study, the IEER increased by 18% when using the iMCHE solution. This product provides a compact and cost-effective solution for dual-circuit roof units. While public concern about climate change continues to rise and higher energy standards are forecast, the iMCHE allows equipment to easily meet new standards with low-cost impact.

Green Building
Danfoss - Danfoss Turbocor TG490 Compressor

Innovation: The Danfoss Turbocor TG490 compressor is designed for air- or water-cooled chiller applications. The oil-free, variable-speed magnetic bearing centrifugal compressor is optimized for use with HFO-1234ze, which has a GWP of less than 1, and can also be used with R-515B low-GWP refrigerant. The Danfoss Turbocor TG490 is the first oil-free magnetic bearing centrifugal compressor that offers industry-leading efficiency, reduced maintenance requirements and simplified design by eliminating a traditional oil management system. It is also the industry's first oil-free compressor technology with the flexibility to be used with low GWP RW-515B, which has a rating as low as 299 and an A1 safety rating.

- Publicidad -

York - York Ultra-Low NOx Gas Oven York LX Series TL9E

Innovation: York's TL9E L-Series Ultra Low NOx Gas Furnace is an environmentally responsible gas furnace that meets even the strictest air quality standards, while reducing greenhouse gases and producing smog by up to 65% compared to standard low NOx furnaces. The furnace is Energy Star rated and reduces fuel costs by up to 20% when connected to select York home comfort systems.

Indoor Air Quality
Fresh-UV Air - LED Disinfection System / 1" LED Low Purity Polarized Filter

Innovation: This is the first 1" 3-stage polarized HVAC filtration system to incorporate Mini-LED technology. The PLP-LED offers high-efficiency filtration that captures 97% of particles up to 0.3 microns in size. The system also uses antimicrobial UV reactive media with an advanced photocatalytic coating for odor and VOC reduction. The Fresh-Air UV filter mitigates many IAQ issues as well as many other challenges faced by occupants and contractors by delivering a cleaner and safer filter to handle and maintain.

Winner: LG Electronics USA, Inc. - LG Hydro Kit

Innovation: LG Electronics USA, Inc. has developed the LG Hydro Kit, an indoor heat exchanger for LGF variable refrigerant flow (VRF) systems capable of transferring heat or cooling energy expelled from the air conditioning process to water, offering greater heat efficiency in LG heat pump and recovery systems. Available in 42,000 and 96,000 Btu/h capacity, LG Hydro Kits use the residual energy generated during the conditioning process and improve the energy efficiency of LG VRF systems. This allows the hot or cold water generated to be distributed to several different applications with integrated controls that set the temperature of the water coming out, the temperature of the hot water tank or the temperature of the conditioned space.

Danfoss - CO2 Adaptive Liquid Management Solution

Innovation: The Danfoss CO2 Adaptive Liquid Management (CALM) solution combines the Danfoss liquid ejector and the adaptive liquid control box controller algorithm to fully utilize the evaporator surface in display cases and cold rooms. This technology provides, without changing equipment, up to 10% more energy efficiency, in addition to the energy savings inherent in CO2 cooling. The CALM solution works by removing liquid refrigerant from the side suction and injecting it into the evaporator of showcases and cold rooms. Danfoss' CALM solution aims to help customers transition to climate-friendly refrigerants, while saving energy, maintaining system reliability and ensuring food safety.

Interplay Learning - SkillMill Skilled Trades Course Catalog

Innovation: The Interplay Learning SkillMill Specialty Trades Course Catalog is an on-demand online training course catalog designed for HVAC professionals to gain workplace skills accessible through mobile phones, computers, tablets or in virtual reality (VR). HVACR professionals can sign up to watch expert-led video courses designed to boost understanding, then move on to interactive 3D-based HVAC problem-solving simulations that are provided through field-like training. The training platform aims to provide scalable training that is robust enough to keep up with the growing skills gap, as well as prepare HVAC technicians quickly for every situation or scenario they may encounter in the real world. The use of state-of-the-art 3D simulations creates a unique and immersive learning environment for users.

Tools and Instruments
Winner: Matelex - DNI (smart level detector)

Innovation: Matelex has developed an intelligent level detection system that measures pressure, temperature and coolant levels every 2-3 seconds, in addition to performing a full leak detection cycle every hour. The system is designed to trigger an alarm by algorithmic learning in the event of a detected leak. The intelligent refrigerant leak detection system is also combined with a remote surveillance web interface (Sentinelle) to issue email alerts when a leak occurs. It is suitable for all refrigerants and tanks (vertical, horizontal, horizontal inclined) and connects to the IoT via WIFI, ethernet cable or 3G-4G modules. When tested in the food retail sector, the system has saved 79% of the refrigerant compared to traditional methods due to real-time data alerts and increased responsiveness to system maintenance requirements.

Infinitum Electric - Infinitum Electric, an innovative HVAC engine

Innovation: The Infinitum Electric HVAC motor is significantly smaller, smarter and quieter than traditional electric motors. These benefits equate to an ultra-high efficiency engine resulting in up to 25% lower costs for customers. The motor uses a circuit board stator resulting in up to 60% less weight, superior durability, improved performance, and improved IoT connectivity. Infinitum Electric aims to change the industry standard for engine size and weight.

Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Author: Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Jefe Editorial en Latin Press, Inc,.
Comunicador Social y Periodista con experiencia de más de 16 años en medios de comunicación. Apasionado por la tecnología y por esta industria. [email protected]

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