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Victaulic remembers the best moments of its 100 years of life

International. On April 4, Victaulic celebrated its 100th anniversary since it received its first patent for mechanical pipe joining solutions. In its centennial "innoversary", the company continues to develop innovative technologies, with a current portfolio of more than 2,000 proprietary solutions transforming the construction and industrial construction sectors, while driving new industry standards in performance and safety.

On April 4, 1919, Lieutenant Ernest Tribe filed the first patent for the "Victory Joint"," the first bolted mechanical coupling for joining ends of grooved pipes. Today, this innovation is known as the Victaulic coupling and allows critical piping infrastructure to be installed faster, safer and more cost-effectively than traditional methods. Although it was first designed for military applications, the coupling also revolutionized the construction industry.

"For 100 years, Victaulic's reputation has been built on collaboration with our customers, delivering new technologies that increase productivity, and reducing risk throughout the construction lifecycle." said Victaulic President and CEO John F. Malloy. "Our centennial innoversary is not only an excellent opportunity to remember our achievements but also a great motivation to make our next century even more valuable to our customers and rewarding for our employees."

Today, more than one billion Victaulic solutions have been installed worldwide, some of them in the most emblematic and innovative buildings in the world such as the Hoover Dam, the Eiffel Tower, the Beijing Olympic Stadium, the Petronas Towers and Hudson Yards. The company's 4,000 employees are spread across 37 branches, 13 manufacturing facilities and five foundry centers worldwide. The company proudly serves customers in 120 countries with a variety of application solutions in various industries, such as commercial buildings, oil, gas and chemical facilities, power generation facilities, mining operations, municipal operations and wastewater treatment.

- Publicidad -

Victaulic has been part of the Lehigh Valley business community in Pennsylvania for nearly 40 years, having opened its first headquarters in New York City. Victaulic's "innoversary" coincides with current expansions and investments that will add nearly one million square feet to Victaulic's manufacturing operations, by expanding its manufacturing capacity to serve customers worldwide. The new state-of-the-art manufacturing center in the Lehigh Valley, Pennsylvania, which will open in 2020, is a 400,000-square-foot facility and the result of increased domestic demand for the company's products and its desire to want to manufacture its products close to its customers. Additional global expansions include the company's facilities in Dalian, China; Drezdenko, Poland; and Ontario, Canada.

"Our next 100 years will include more customer-centric innovation, and as technology continues to advance, we will continue to make strategic investments in R&D," said John Malloy. "Our company is an exceptional place to work because of the dedication of our employees and a shared passion for customer excellence across the global Victaulic family."

Victaulic has been recognized with more than 100 industry awards, including several Product of the Year and Exemplary Plant Awards, including "Best Plant" by Industry Week and "Top Plant" by Plant Engineering. Other recent awards include:

  • OSHA VPP Star Certification
  • EH&S Today: America's Safest Companies.
  • Five-time winner of the "Morning Call Top Workplace" award
  • Lehigh Valley Business: Corporate Citizen of the Year
  • Maritime News 100 Awards - Top 100 Leaders & Innovators
  • Marshal Office of the Province of Lubusz: Economic Development Award (Poland)
  • United Way Campaign Achievement Awards
Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Author: Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Jefe Editorial en Latin Press, Inc,.
Comunicador Social y Periodista con experiencia de más de 16 años en medios de comunicación. Apasionado por la tecnología y por esta industria. [email protected]

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