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Reliable Controls seeks Application Engineer

Latin America. Reliable Controls, a company specialized in the design and manufacture of controls for buildings, is looking for an experienced application engineer for Latin America. Those interested must reside in Mexico, Panama or Costa Rica to work as a freelancer under the home office modality.

This position reports directly to the Director of Application Engineering. The position offers a high degree of challenge, flexibility and autonomy, as well as the opportunity to work for a large company whose pioneering technologies for buildings help increase comfort and decrease the environmental impact of modern facilities.

The chosen candidate will work from their home office with occasional business trips throughout Latin America for approximately 20% of their time per year.

Requirements to access the position:

  • A minimum of 5 years of experience in an application engineering role in the building automation systems industry, particularly in system design, implementation and support.
  • Bachelor's degree in mechanical engineering or control and instrumentation engineering or equivalent.
  • Excellent complete professional written and verbal proficiency, native or bilingual, in English and Spanish.
  • Advanced and in-depth knowledge of industry hardware and software.
  • Competencies in Microsoft Visio and/or AutoCAD, experience and/or accreditation in green building concepts, BACnet®, Modbus, multi-vendor integration and/or the Reliable Controls MACH System would be considered an asset.
  • Ability and eagerness to acquire new skills and learn about Reliable Controls products.
  • Strong time and project management skills with the ability to stay focused and your tasks.
  • Ability to accurately estimate the completion of projects and strive to meet set objectives.
  • Strong ability to demonstrate consistently high performance when working independently.
  • Ability to see a "big picture" and manage it for continuous improvement.
  • Demonstrated skills in communication and people.
- Publicidad -

Job Responsibilities:

  • High-level technical support for supplemental hardware and software for Resellers and Reliable Controls staff.
  • Foster a productive and collaborative team relationship with the Reliable Controls corporate team, especially the Regional Sales Management team.
  • Engineering support tasks including:
  • Compliance with specifications.
  • Guidance on compliance with industry standards, codes and legislation.
  • Support for the design of specific project systems and product recommendations.
  • Programming review.
  • Technical Training of Operators and Distributors.
  • Sales support includes:
  • Consultation of specifications.
  • Preparation and presentation of RFPs and RFQs.
  • Technical sales calls.
  • Demonstration of the MACH system.
  • Development and maintenance of standard engineering solution sets.
  • Development and maintenance of manuals and engineering guides.
  • Responsible for ensuring adherence to the Corporate Quality Policy of Reliable Controls.

Those interested can contact Karina Dougherty at the email: [email protected]

Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Author: Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Jefe Editorial en Latin Press, Inc,.
Comunicador Social y Periodista con experiencia de más de 16 años en medios de comunicación. Apasionado por la tecnología y por esta industria. [email protected]

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