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Wind farms grow in Mexico

altMexico. A wind capacity of 152 MW has been installed and inaugurated on the isthmus of Tehuantepec, in Oaxaca, where the main resource of this type of energy in the country is located, due to the topographic characteristics of the place.

More than 3,000 MW of wind power can be installed in the region. Construction is currently underway for three more wind farms in the area, with which the government expects to reach an energy production of 2.6 GW from this year to 2012.

The energy from the first project under construction, called Parques Ecológicos de México, developed by a private initiative, will be consumed by a group of Mexican companies. The power of this place will be 80 MW, it will have 94 G52 wind turbines of 850 kW from Gamesa.

Acciona Energía, a wind farm developer, was in charge of the assembly of the Eurus wind farm, which has an installation of 250 MW of power, becoming the largest in Latin America and the one with the highest power built by Acciona in the world.

This is a project of Acciona Energía and Cemex that seeks the self-sufficiency of energy of this Mexican company, is located on a land of 2,500 hectares in Juchitán de Zaragoza (Oaxaca), southern Mexico and has 167 wind turbines of 1.5 MW each. The wind energy produced by this park is equivalent to the consumption of a community of 500 thousand inhabitants and will avoid the emission of 600 thousand CO2 emissions into the environment in a year, 25% of the emissions generated by a population of this size.

- Publicidad -

The latest project is the Bii Nee Stipa, which will have a capacity of 26 MW based on 31 850 kW wind turbines, promoted by Gameasa and the Mexican company Cableados Industriales, SA. The main consumer of this electricity will be the Cuauhtémoc Moctezuma Brewery.

In the next three years, more than 2,000 MW of wind power will be built in Mexico, which already have the permission of the Energy Regulatory Commission.
Source: News Soliclima


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