And do you take advantage of the media?
In our sector there are few Latin American media that daily make specific reference to the different air conditioning and refrigeration systems existing today.
In our sector there are few Latin American media that daily make specific reference to the different air conditioning and refrigeration systems existing today.
A very special greeting to all our faithful readers of ACR LATINOAMÉRICA, for those who do not know me, my name is Duván Chaverra and I am the new editor of the publication taking the position of Ana María Restrepo, who accompanied us until the last edition of 2012.
Climate change has proposed a new scheme of care for the environment, which some of us comply with or support and others do not, and it is not entirely easy to be ecological, because many of the equipment we use or the things we do daily affect the environment.
There is a lot of information we read about new creations to help take care of the environment. Taking into account all this we wanted to delve a little deeper into the subject and analyze together with some professionals its real impact.
A few days ago I was talking to a local journalist about the refrigeration and air conditioning industry, and I realized that I had no idea what was happening in this sector and how it influences society and the environment.