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Sodeca announces microlearnings focused on improving air quality

Sodeca anuncia microlearnings centrados en mejora de la calidad del aire

International. The first session will be held next Tuesday, October 1 and all training will be taught remotely, with free registration for anyone interested.

The company Sodeca will offer, during the coming months of October and November, three microlearning sessions that will have as a common denominator ventilation systems to improve air quality. In this field, SODECA's solutions
they are an international leader. The trainings, given by experts from the company, last 30 minutes and contain a high informative value.

They are very short but very complete sessions, designed to facilitate continuous training for professionals related to the sector. The first of the three sessions will be held next Tuesday, October 1 and is entitled "Ventilation systems in energy savings certificates (CAE)". Mr. Carlos Martínez, head of Training and Knowledge Transfer at Sodeca, will be the expert in charge of delivering this first training.

The inaugural microlearning will therefore develop the solutions offered by Sodeca, through its heat recovery systems, to help obtain energy savings certificates (EACs). This certificate makes it possible to monetize energy savings, allowing users to recover part of the investments in energy efficiency. In this sense, the incorporation of Sodeca's heat recovery systems in any project represents an important energy saving action and a considerable improvement in health, being the perfect conjunction between the Energy Savings Certificates (EAC) and the Indoor Air Quality (IAQ). The session will be held on Tuesday, October 1 at 4 p.m. (UTC/GMT +1).

- Publicidad -

Upcoming sessions
The second and third sessions will be held on October 29 and November 19, respectively. As in the first training, both days are also a Tuesday and the schedule will be the same, at 4 in the afternoon. The content and speakers of these two sessions will be announced soon.

"Sodeca, a leading company in industrial ventilation solutions, smoke evacuation, ventilation for tunnels, pressurization of stairs and improvement of indoor air quality, maintains, with this new cycle of microlearning, its commitment to continuous learning and free training of professionals related to the sector," said the company.

Anyone interested in the session that will take place next Tuesday, October 1, "Ventilation systems in energy savings certificates (EAC)", can Register for free andN linandto.

Álvaro León Pérez Sepúlveda
Author: Álvaro León Pérez Sepúlveda
Editor - Latin Press, Inc.
Comunicador Social Periodista egresado de la Universidad de Antioquia, con más de 14 años de experiencia en medios periodísticos y proyectos de comunicación digital. [email protected]

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