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Emergent Cold Announces New Warehouse and Appoints New Executives in Mexico

Emergent Cold: anuncia nuevo almacén y nombra nuevos ejecutivos en México

Mexico. Emergent Cold Latin America announced the construction of a new temperature-controlled food warehouse in Guadalajara, expanding its operations to a new region in Mexico.

The new facility will have a capacity of 12,000 pallet positions and will be located in an area of 30,000 square meters, with enough space for future expansions that could double the storage capacity.

Guadalajara is located in the western part of the country and, considering the size of the population, is the third largest city in Mexico. The new food warehouse will also be strategic to facilitate the connection of customers with the ports of Manzanillo and Lázaro Cárdenas.

Juan Pablo Benítez, Managing Director of Emergent Cold LatAm in Mexico, highlighted the company's rapid growth in the country and the importance of recent investments: "We are responding to customer demand and committed to offering temperature-controlled food storage and value-added services in all areas where customers are looking for modern infrastructure and high-quality logistics services."

- Publicidad -

The company recently completed the expansion of two food warehouses located in Villagrán (Guanajuato) and Apodaca, and is building a facility in Monterrey. These three projects represent an increase of almost 34,000 positions.

New directors in Mexico
Adrian Madero Andonie is the new Commercial Director and Iván Andrés Pacheco Peralta the new Director of Operations of Emergent Cold LatAm, in Mexico, the largest provider of temperature-controlled storage and logistics solutions for food in Latin America.

Adrian joined the company a year ago as Key Account Manager for Latin America and takes on a new challenge at the head of the commercial management of one of the most important and strategic markets for the company. The executive is a management professional with 13 years of experience in cold chain solutions in Mexico, serving the main companies in the country. He is also Secretary of the Board of ANETIF, an organization of businessmen in Mexico whose fundamental objective is the modernization of the meat industry and its derivatives.

Iván was chosen to lead the development of the operations area due to his extensive experience in logistics, especially in the cold chain, having held leadership positions in important companies in the sector in Mexico and Colombia. Mechanical engineer, having a specialization in logistics, operations and production management.

"These appointments are key to our ambitious expansion plan in Mexico, and having professionals with Adrian and Ivan's experience in this industry is critical. Currently, we are building warehouses in Guadalajara and Monterrey, and we have recently completed important expansions in Villagrán and also in the Monterrey region," said Juan Pablo Benitez.

Álvaro León Pérez Sepúlveda
Author: Álvaro León Pérez Sepúlveda
Editor - Latin Press, Inc.
Comunicador Social Periodista egresado de la Universidad de Antioquia, con más de 14 años de experiencia en medios periodísticos y proyectos de comunicación digital. [email protected]

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