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FB Refrigeration is committed to knowledge

Capacitaciones FB

Latin America. With a day of training in several Latin American countries, in face-to-face mode and a reach of 600 people, FB Refrigeración, began in March the physical return to this type of events and reaffirmed its commitment to the industry.

It is important to bear in mind that, from FB, the proposal of FB University was born, in the middle of the pandemic, precisely as a response to the impediment of meetings in physical spaces, but to the knowledge of the needs of knowledge and training in the HVAC industry. However, more than being a contingency plan, it became a success, because to date, with this educational proposal, they have managed to train 7,500 people, with certifications that are valid for 3 years.

That is why it is not surprising that, now that the confinement measures have been relaxed, FB decided to return to public spaces with days that, for the company, positively affect the region. In this way, FB was present in Colombia, Peru, Ecuador, Panama, Costa Rica and Guatemala, where in addition to having the intention of further reactivating the relationship with customers, with personal contact, it was also within the framework of the beginning of the events in that type of format.

These days, which occupied one day for each location, had a duration of 4 hours of each meeting and a reach of 600 people.

- Publicidad -

Vinicios Wiltgen Ferreira, sales manager for Latin America at FB Refrigeration, told us that: "The intention was to approach the market physically again. Teach our way of working and being present in your life. The main point was to teach the technicians and help them grow their business from this new knowledge. We even had in mind to promote our training tools, which are available online, so that more people can join and work in the industry in the best way."

It is important to mention that the person in charge of these days was Gildardo Yañez, Industrial Electrical Engineer, with a Master's Degree in Administration, who has almost 40 years of professional experience, 30 of them in the refrigeration trade. Who is manager of training and applications at FB.

Kit jornadas de capacitación FB refrigeración marzo 2022

Likewise, FB assures that these courses seek to increase the work skills and employability levels of cold technicians, to whom they provide manuals and uniforms, in addition to the diploma once the requirements have been met, so that they have a more professional presentation at the time of providing a service.

Finally, today and according to company data, FB University has an average of 500 students per month. Vinicios added that the call is for all Spanish speakers, where regardless of whether they are customers of the brand, or not, they have the desire to train. That is, the only requirement to register is that you understand the Spanish language and want to do some of the courses currently offered on their website.

To learn more about these courses, you can enter here.

Iris Montoya Ricaurte
Author: Iris Montoya Ricaurte
Periodista con amplia experiencia en corrección de estilo y generación de contenidos de valor para el sector especializado - [email protected]

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  1. Juan Cardozo
    Wednesday, 27 April 2022 17:33
    Buenisima info. como siempre

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