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Nidec invests in increasing its production capacity

Nidec invierte en aumento de su capacidad de producción

International. Nidec Global Appliance, a division of Nidec Corporation dedicated to providing solutions for the residential and commercial appliance industries worldwide, has initiated a substantial expansion of its production capacity.

The additional capacity will support variable speed motors from the US Motors and Rescue brands, focused on heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) systems. The investment of approximately US$18 million will increase production capacity by 1.5 million units per year.

Capacity expansion supports 48 frame variable frame motors for HVAC systems. It includes the US Motors SelecTech, PerfectSpeed, EcoTech and EcoApex48 lines, and the Rescue line of spare engines. These products drive the fans and blowers that move air through ventilation and temperature control systems.

Energy efficiency regulations for HVAC systems, issued by the U.S. Department of Energy, became more stringent in 2019 and this will happen again in 2023. "Variable speed motors are best suited to achieve the required efficiency. Fixed speed solutions will not be able to comply with the 2023 legislation," explains Tim Schamel, president of nidec Global Appliance's HVAC business unit.

- Publicidad -

"The product lines for the investment were strategically chosen because the variable speed technology is the most energy efficient and the motors within the 48 frame are the most widely used for residential applications in the HVAC sector," he adds. The main markets targeted by this increased production are residential and light commercial HVAC facilities in North America. "The HVAC equipment market in the U.S. has maintained steady growth of 4 to 5 percent over the past 10 years," Schamel says.

Three Nidec Global Appliance manufacturing plants will receive the investment for this production expansion, all located in Monterrey, Mexico. It is estimated that 150 new jobs will be created.

Variable speed motors also allow for new possibilities. For the well-being of a homeowner, the PerfectSpeed engine offers constant airflow. For the system installer, bluetooth programming® offered by RESCUE Select Pro. "This technology also contributes to product reliability and low noise, two attributes of great importance to our customers," adds the executive.

In-house technology
The component that regulates the speed of this type of motors, also known as ECM (Electronically Switched Motor), is an electronic control device. Nidec Global Appliance produces its own controls at its facility in Qingdao, China. This factory is receiving other investments to increase its production capacity.

Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Author: Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Jefe Editorial en Latin Press, Inc,.
Comunicador Social y Periodista con experiencia de más de 16 años en medios de comunicación. Apasionado por la tecnología y por esta industria. [email protected]

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