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Samsung installs VRF systems in two new hospitals

Samsung instala sistemas VRF en dos nuevos hospitales

Guatemala. Samsung announced the installation of air conditioning systems in two modular hospitals that the Government of Guatemala is building in two cities and that in the face of the health emergency will contribute significantly to the medical care of patients in moderate or critical condition, victims of the COVID-19 pandemic.

These alternative health centers, designed to be built in a short time and with high standards of current medicine, are carried out under the planning and execution of the Guatemalan Social Security Institute. Santiago Urbizo, deputy manager of Planning and Development of this entity attached to the national government, explained that the selection of this model of facilities was made after evaluating experiences of the same nature in Latin American countries and stressed that most likely unprecedented in Central America.

One of the hospitals is being built in Campos de Roosevelt (Zone 11) and the other in an area adjacent to the Escuintla Regional Hospital, and will become operational in early 2022. The first will have 216 beds and the second with 168, so that they will be able to attend up to 384 critical patients with COVID-19. Urbizo explained that they will have, in addition to basic services, medical equipment of modern technology, such as portable RX, ventilators, defribilators, beds, stretchers, monitors, stretchers and other complementary devices, in addition to computer technology.

- Publicidad -

To create and maintain the internal environmental conditions of these hospitals and specifically meet the requirements of proper cooling, 48 refrigeration equipment will be installed by Samsung Electronics, of type VRF. These are high-tech systems, excellent levels of energy efficiency and low noise, very convenient conditions to provide the best level of comfort needed by medical staff and patients.

Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Author: Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Jefe Editorial en Latin Press, Inc,.
Comunicador Social y Periodista con experiencia de más de 16 años en medios de comunicación. Apasionado por la tecnología y por esta industria. [email protected]

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