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More than 34 thousand professionals visited the Madrid fair

Más de 34 mil profesionales visitaron la feria de Madrid

Spain. Climatización y Refrigeración 2021 (C&R) celebrated between November 16 and 19, the return to face-to-face events in the PAVILIONS of IFEMA MADRID. The balance in figures has registered the participation of more than 300 companies and the visit of more than 34,000 professionals.

The organization stressed that the most significant of this edition has been the general satisfaction of the exhibitors, both for the opportunity that has represented the celebration of C & R as a meeting point with its customers, as for the volume of meetings and useful contacts carried out during these four days, as well as for the high quality of the visitor.

In this sense, from Keyter - Intarcon, Aurelio García, president of the company, described this edition as a "positive experience" in the face of the challenge of facing normality. "Not only has it been an interesting and important event in which we have returned to make contact with numerous installers, engineers, etc.., but also for what it means as a step forward towards everyday life".

For Panasonic, Francisco Perucho, General Director of Panasonic Heating & Cooling Solutions EU, tells us that "the fair has allowed us to meet our customers distributors, installers, distributors, colleagues from other companies, and this has been one of the most important features that C & R has given us". He also thanked the effort made to improve the fair and incorporate new tools such as C & R LiveConnect, "a huge competitive variable that has come to stay."

- Publicidad -

Paloma Sanchez, marketing director of Daikin, highlights this edition as a turning point and a meeting point with customers in person. "we are very happy with the attendance at the fair, we have seen a lively sector and we have had visitors of a very high level of professionalism, everyone wants to meet and the fair has served as a boost and springboard to reactivate the face-to-face meetings"

The commercial offer of C&R brings together numerous novelties aligned with the challenge represented by a future marked by the global climate emergency, as well as a more sustainable energy consumption and with a greater presence of renewable energy sources. An eco-efficient showcase that during the opening day received the visit of the third vice president of the Government and Minister for the Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge, Teresa Ribera, who precisely expressed in this context her commitment to the environment.

C&R Forum and Workshops
The program of Technical Conferences, FORO C&R also brought together numerous professionals around a scenario of analysis and debate of very current issues, in which great headlines on the decarbonization of buildings were addressed; the evolution of the changes of the RITE, and the Indoor Air Quality beyond the pandemic, in addition, two sessions dedicated to Refrigeration, its challenges and future perspectives in which energy optimization and sustainability for Industrial and Commercial refrigeration facilities, and disruptive technologies were discussed.

With equal success of the call, the TAC Workshop and the Refrigeration Workshop were also developed, activities aimed at promoting best practices in the field of installation, organized respectively by AGREMIA and AEFYT, the latter in collaboration with the Training Center in Cold and Air Conditioning Technologies of Moratalaz.

In addition, the C&R Innovation Gallery highlighted, on this occasion, 11 cutting-edge equipment and solutions, among which were state-of-the-art equipment and use of natural refrigerants that raise the levels of efficiency and care for the environment; improvements in materials, technologies and designs that facilitate the installation of equipment; tools for the control of the air quality of the air conditioning installations, or innovative solutions to meet the needs of heating, and domestic hot water throughout the year in collective residential buildings.

Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Award 2019
During the afternoon of November 16 and within the framework of the opening day of the C&R fair, the Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Award 2019 also took place; an award granted biennially by the Organizing Committee of the fair, in recognition of the work of those professionals with a lifetime of special dedication to the development, progress and improvement of the air conditioning and refrigeration sector, and that this year went to Pedro Pulido, who has been commercial director of Soler & Palau, and a prominent member of the Board of Directors of AFEC and the Organizing Committee of the Climatización y Refrigeración fair.

Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Author: Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Jefe Editorial en Latin Press, Inc,.
Comunicador Social y Periodista con experiencia de más de 16 años en medios de comunicación. Apasionado por la tecnología y por esta industria. [email protected]

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