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Global Meeting Dannenge exceeded expectations

Global Meeting Dannenge

Brazil. Held between September 16 and 18, at Jurerê International, in Florianópolis (SC), the Dannenge Global Meeting closed its first edition with positive results, achieving the proposed objectives and exceeding the expectations, both of the organizers and the audience present.

Broadcast remotely and in person, the event brought together nearly 120 professionals from the Americas with the aim of consolidating itself as a unique experience and a new way of doing business, exchanging information and professional updating through technical talks given by icons of the HVAC sector.

Mission accomplished!

"This is the feeling I have after the event. Against everything and everyone, we decided that we could hold the Global Meeting Dannenge, where people could attend safely and participants and partners could do good business and experience a unique experience of interaction, technical quality of information and lots of fun and entertainment. They thought it was an impossible dream. But we proved not! With persistence, seriousness and commitment, we demonstrate that it is possible to continue holding events with the public, complying with all international safety protocols, in addition to having active air purification systems. Thanks to all those involved in the 1st edition of the Global Meeting Dannenge, in particular, my thanks to our sponsors and collaborators", celebrates Fernando Abreu, CEO of Dannenge International.

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Abreu also highlights the importance of the topics discussed during the technical conferences, such as indoor air quality, active purification systems, energy efficiency, innovative technologies, entrepreneurship and industry 4.0.

"There were 20 hours of technical conferences given by excellent professionals in the HVAC sector, a lot of networking and learning of a very high level. We managed to bring together executives, engineers, designers, installers and distributors from different countries in the largest multidisciplinary event in the Americas in a unique meeting."

Held by Dannenge International, the 1st edition of the Global Meeting Dannenge was sponsored by Johnson Controls - Hitachi, Mercato Automação, RGF Environmental, Trox do Brasil and Trane do Brasil.

Institutional support from Anprac and Smacna Brazil. Media support from ACR-Latinoamerica Magazine, Abrava Magazine - Climatização & Refrigeração and Revista do Frio.

Access to conferences via Youtube

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Technical lectures broadcast on Dannenge's YouTube channel are available at the following links:

Conferences on 16/9 - Portuguese

Conferences on 17/09 - Portuguese


Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Author: Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Jefe Editorial en Latin Press, Inc,.
Comunicador Social y Periodista con experiencia de más de 16 años en medios de comunicación. Apasionado por la tecnología y por esta industria. [email protected]

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