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Emerson celebrates 100 years of its Copeland brand

Copeland EmersonInternational. Emerson is celebrating the centennial of its Copeland compressor brand this year, a name that has been recognized in the design and manufacture of compressors to power air conditioning and refrigeration systems.

Reinforcing its commitment to continuing Copeland's innovation and its intense focus on solving critical customer problems, Emerson completed a multi-million dollar expansion of its Copeland engineering facility in Sydney, Ohio. This investment created 110,000 square feet of new engineering laboratory space for product research, development and testing of the next generation of compressors, electronics and other technologies critical to the global heating, ventilation, air conditioning and refrigeration (HVACR) industry. Much of the work at Sydney laboratories focuses on innovative compressor technologies that enable the most environmentally responsible refrigerants with a lower global warming potential (GWP) to meet and exceed efficiency standards and regulations while enhancing success in customer designs.

"The Copeland brand has a proud legacy and an even brighter future," said Jamie Froedge, executive chairman of Emerson's Commercial and Residential Solutions business. "Air conditioning and refrigeration technologies are increasingly crucial and necessary foundations of daily life around the world. Through our Copeland brand and inventive approach, Emerson is using our management position and deep history in this space to drive innovation for a more sustainable world."

The Copeland brand has its history in inventor Edmund Copeland, who founded a company in Detroit, Michigan, in 1921 to transform the refrigeration industry with his unique inventions. When the company faced challenges during the Great Depression, its assets were sold and operations moved to Sydney, Ohio in 1937. In Sydney, four of the company's young entrepreneurial engineers imagined the future of possibilities and bought the company and its compressor patent. When Emerson acquired Copeland in 1986, it continued to honor the entrepreneurial spirit and inventiveness embodied by the brand's early founders and champions.

- Publicidad -

Emerson made significant investments in the development of a new scroll compressor product that Copeland was working on at the time of the acquisition and, in 1987, introduced the first scroll compressor sold under the Copeland brand. The success of the product helped revolutionize the air conditioning and refrigeration industries worldwide with highly efficient and reliable performance, leading to the introduction of a Copeland family of scroll compressors for applications ranging from residential and light commercial air conditioning to refrigeration systems for food and healthcare. marine industries and containers.

In addition to Copeland scroll compressors, Emerson designs, manufactures and markets a full range of Copeland semi-hermetic and hermetic reciprocating compressors, as well as condensing units, for commercial refrigeration applications. Many Copeland products are also equipped with smart features to provide advanced monitoring and protection, diagnostics, power consumption measurements, and communication capabilities.

From research and development, design and engineering, to advanced testing and manufacturing in innovation centers and plants around the world, the Copeland brand is positioned to continue its inventive path, meeting the unique needs of each regional market.

Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Author: Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Jefe Editorial en Latin Press, Inc,.
Comunicador Social y Periodista con experiencia de más de 16 años en medios de comunicación. Apasionado por la tecnología y por esta industria. [email protected]

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