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Schneider Electric to integrate new "Matter" standard into its housing and building portfolio

Matter, Schneider ElectricInternational. Schneider Electric announces its integration into the new "Matter" connectivity standard, which it will begin adopting in its portfolio of connected buildings and homes.

Schneider Electric, recognized by Corporate Knights as the most sustainable corporation in the world, is one of the 180 most innovative companies within the Connectivity Standards Alliance (CSA) that have contributed to the creation and testing of the new Matter standard. The unifying industry standard is based on market-proven technologies and best practices. It aims to simplify connected experiences and provide greater interoperability in smart homes and buildings. Schneider consistently ranks among the top three CSA product certifiers and is therefore well positioned to adopt the new standard.

The new open-source unified connectivity protocol, Matter, formerly called CHIP (Connected Home over IP), will be applicable to many smart building and home solutions, including lighting, locks, speakers, HVAC controls, security systems, and routers. With Matter, instead of being limited to just those products that work with the smart system already in place, homes and businesses will now have the option to integrate the new Matter-certified devices that best suit their needs, regardless of brand.

Matter is built using IP, the native network technology of the Internet and is backed by leading ecosystem providers. Matter-branded products will provide enhanced cybersecurity, cloud-native connectivity, and device interoperability for consumers, manufacturers, product designers, and developers alike. In addition, with standard definitions for device models and lifecycle events such as provisioning/onboarding, deleting, error recovery, and software updating, developers can also have more confidence in the consistency and quality of their users' experiences across ecosystems.

- Publicidad -

Putting consumers in the driver's seat in the race to net zero
However, the long-term benefits don't end there. It is estimated that electricity demand will double by 2040 if we follow the same trajectory. As digitalization becomes the norm, we are also witnessing an increased desire to produce and use more renewable energy. This combines with increasing regulatory pressure to make the car's kitchen, heating and charging fully electric. Electricity is the most efficient form of energy and the best vector of decarbonization. When combined with digital, it also offers unparalleled potential to eliminate energy waste.

With greater interoperability of IoT-connected devices in the smart home ecosystem, homeowners and builders can create the homes of tomorrow with a flexible, future-proof architecture that leverages matter-connected devices across ecosystems for reliable, consolidated, and secure visibility into energy consumption.

This visibility, coupled with the help of intelligent, software-driven, AI-enabled energy management solutions, puts consumers in the driver's seat when it comes to how energy is produced, stored, distributed and consumed in the home. It can also allow the smart home system to prioritize green energy, ensuring that energy-intensive appliances and devices, such as electric vehicles (EVs), consume most of their energy from solar or decarbonized energy sources in the home. This is one more way for the consumer and the planet to benefit from this initiative.

Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Author: Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Jefe Editorial en Latin Press, Inc,.
Comunicador Social y Periodista con experiencia de más de 16 años en medios de comunicación. Apasionado por la tecnología y por esta industria. [email protected]

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