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Carrier Transicold Launches All-Electric Trailer System

Transicold CarrierInternational. The Dutch company THT New Cool B.V became the first refrigerated transport rental business in Europe to provide its customers with trailers that include the new Carrier Transicold Vector eCool. This is the first all-electric trailer cooling system with autonomous operation manufactured in series. Both companies joined forces and technology to develop this product.

The Vector eCool project began in 2010 with the support of several companies in the development of a new autonomous trailer solution. The collaboration included TRS Transportkoeling B.V., which later became a carrier transicold firm, and THT New Cool B.V., a Dutch rental company geared towards all-electric trailer systems.

"When it comes to innovation our ultimate goal is to develop solutions that are important to people and the planet, a value we share with THT New Cool. I thank THT New Cool for their contribution to this innovative project. As a company they have done a hard job with us to make vector eCool a reality, ensuring that our mutual customers can benefit today from this new technology," said Victor Calvo, president of Carrier Transicold International Truck & Trailer.

With a primary focus on the development of refrigerated trailers equipped with advanced electrical systems, THT New Cool B.V. was ideally positioned to play an important role in the project. The trailers equipped with this system are now available – on a rental basis – through THT New Cool B.V., in addition to the refrigeration equipment that can be purchased directly from Carrier Transicold.

- Publicidad -

"At THT New Cool we have been committed to developing sustainable transport solutions for fifteen years, especially in the search for ways to minimise gas emissions from refrigerated trailers. We have always believed in electric power sources and we are delighted that our collaboration with Carrier Transicold has allowed us to offer our customers a zero-emission refrigerated trailer," said Twan Heetkamp, Director of THT New Cool B.V.

More than fifty trailers equipped with Vector eCool equipment took part in extensive testing before the new technology entered series production. Compatible with the non-motorized versions of Carrier Transicold's Vector HE 19 and Vector 1550 E equipment, the Vector eCool combines all-electric E-Drive™ technology, also designed by the company, with a new and advanced energy recovery and storage system.

The system converts kinetic energy (generated by the trailer) into electricity, which is then stored in a battery to power the cooling equipment. This closed circuit creates a fully autonomous system that does not produce direct emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) or particulate matter.

The Vector eCool also complies with the PIEK standard, which means that when used with the City versions of the Vector HE 19 and Vector 1550 E, the operating noise is less than 60 dB(A). Combined with its emissions performance, the Vector eCool provides the ultimate solution to increasingly stringent urban and city-dwelling regulations.

The Vector eCool is one of the solutions offered by Carrier Transicold that reinforce its Carrier Healthy, Safe and Sustainable Cold Chain Program to preserve and protect the supply of food, medicines and vaccines.

Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Author: Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Jefe Editorial en Latin Press, Inc,.
Comunicador Social y Periodista con experiencia de más de 16 años en medios de comunicación. Apasionado por la tecnología y por esta industria. [email protected]

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