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HVAC Manufacturers Collaborate with Startups to Harness the Potential of Connected Buildings

Edificios conectadosInternational. The ebm-papst Group and Belimo have accelerated investment in digital solutions and strategic partnerships with start-ups to enable rapid technology transfer for connected, energy-efficient and healthy data-driven buildings.

The ebm-papst group, based in Mulfingen, Germany, generated revenues of €2.18 billion in fiscal 2019/20.

The group founded ebm-papst neo GmbH & Co. KG in April 2020, to develop digital solutions to improve energy balance and air quality in buildings or for intelligent data analysis. For the past two years, neo has been developing an IoT-enabled high-performance building fan, capable of delivering a large amount of data to advanced building systems.

ebm-papst neo has invested in partnerships in recent months, one of which was with Envio Systems, a developer of a cloud-based IoT platform to improve the performance and operation of commercial buildings. In December 2019, the group also participated in a $5 million funding round for the startup founded in 2016.

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In August 2020, ebm-papst, Envio Systems and RESET combined their expertise to create a smart building response to airborne pandemics, enabling operators to achieve high-performance indoor air quality without sacrificing energy efficiency targets.

ebm-papst fans are used in various types of equipment, such as air handling units. They use sensors to record and process various parameters, e.g. E.g.rpm, vibrations, noise, air velocity, volume, pressure and, above all, air quality. The air quality sensors installed by ebm-papst are RESET certified and guaranteed to provide accurate and comparable air quality measurements. RESET is the world's sensor-based construction standard for commercial buildings and their indoor spaces that monitors, certifies and communicates air quality in buildings.

Data from IoT-enabled fans allows Envio to provide buildings and tenants with a level of response and control that was previously impossible. Rapidly deployable roof-mounted filtration units can, for example, be networked to remove waves of airborne contaminants (including aerosol viruses) in hyperlocal indoor areas as soon as they emerge. Connected central and local air systems can be optimized to balance clean air rates with outdoor air supply, while reducing energy costs. In addition, air changes and air cleanliness rates can be accurately measured and managed, rather than estimated and managed incorrectly.

Another HVAC manufacturer is also investing in startup innovation. Belimo, based in Switzerland, manufactures field devices to control heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems. Sensors, control valves and gate actuators are the company's core business. The public company recorded sales of 693 million Swiss francs in 2019.

Belimo accelerated its cooperation with start-ups in 2019 when it founded Belimo innoVision AG, as a business incubator to invest and partner with innovative startups in the HVAC sector and actively support them during the foundation phase.

More recently, in November 2020, the group announced a strategic partnership with Facilio. Founded in 2017 in India, Facilio provides an integrated facilities management SaaS platform that leverages IoT and machine learning to manage construction operations, maintenance and sustainability performance.

Belimo has developed IoT-enabled smart devices for HVAC systems that provide valuable data for customers to improve installation and commissioning efficiency, control, maintain and optimize buildings more efficiently and remotely. Through its IoT ecosystem, Belimo will collaborate with Facilio to deliver a single, connected operating environment, helping building owners and operators gain complete real-time visibility and control of their space and equipment.

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"The real estate industry is committed to creating sustainable buildings and contributes to ESG goals through digital transformation and industry collaborations. The synergy between Belimo's digital ecosystem and Facilio's O&M platform leverages available data to unlock the potential of connected buildings and address new challenges," said Salvatore Cataldi, Belimo's Global Strategic Buildings IoT Expert.

Customers in the commercial office, healthcare and retail categories use Facilio over 60 million square feet to reduce operating costs, increase net asset value and eliminate the risk of operational liability. Now headquartered in New York City with offices in Padua, Dubai, Chennai and Singapore, Facilio was backed by Accel Partners and Tiger Global Management in a Series A round in December 2018. Facilio's total disclosed funding is estimated at $7.9 million.

Collaboration between startups and established actors in the built environment is crucial for exploring IoT technologies, executing strategic projects, and testing new business models to ensure successful long-term outcomes for both stakeholders.

Source: Memoori.

Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Author: Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Jefe Editorial en Latin Press, Inc,.
Comunicador Social y Periodista con experiencia de más de 16 años en medios de comunicación. Apasionado por la tecnología y por esta industria. [email protected]

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