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Return on Investment of HVAC Systems

altEnergy efficiency plays an important role when purchasing new HVAC equipment, there are other aspects to take into account before making an appropriate choice.

by Lennox*

When it comes to helping your customers get the most out of the investment they made in CVAC systems, it's not just about trading an old, outdated system for a shiny, new, high-efficiency model.

Although the new, higher-yielding system will immediately generate noticeable savings on monthly utility bills, the return on investment goes beyond efficiency rates and upfront cost.

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When a company is considering purchasing CVAC unit packages, including in the calculations the total return on investment—from initial cost, through configuration and installation to ongoing service and maintenance—is the best way to determine which system will offer its customers the best return in the long run.

The following are things to consider if you are purchasing or replacing a CVAC unit:

Ease of installation

Did the CVAC system manufacturer make inquiries to find out what the contractor needs to make system installation easier?

Simplifying the installation process is beneficial to both the contractor and the end user. What it's all about, after all, is spending less time getting the job done, and employing fewer subcontractors to do it—which, in turn, translates into fewer costs for the end user, and possibly more time for contractors to add another assignment to their daily to-do list.

Look for smart controls that verify proper system configuration with a guided menu that reduces commissioning complexity and securely wired and colored connectors that simplify field sensor or thermostat installation and prevent improper wiring. These features help facilitate and streamline the installation process, ensuring equipment is installed correctly and helping contractors get started faster on next tasks.

Factory functions

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Everyone benefits from features that help save time and money. These types of features are another way CVAC system manufacturers help save on contractors as well as end users. These add-ons are typically designed to ensure that the unit operates at its maximum capacity and efficiency, providing peace of mind to the contractor and a higher level of savings to the end user.

Look for intelligent controls that record and track the runtime of each major component of the system, to resolve issues quickly and easily, as well as multistage air volume supply fan technology that gives customers greater convenience and year-round savings.

Savings in technical service and maintenance

According to research, those facilities where proper maintenance of CVAC systems is carried out spend at least 15 to 20% less energy than those where these systems are allowed to deteriorate. Regular preventive maintenance can keep equipment running at peak performance, helping customers save time and money in the process.

Therefore it is advisable to take into account aspects such as the following:

  • Hinged door panels that facilitate service and eliminate the need for screws, which can loosen during service and pierce the roof.
  • Units with sliding compartments for the blower motor, allowing faster and easier access to the belt, blower motor and unit coils.
  • An insulated compressor compartment that allows performance checks to be made during normal compressor operation without interrupting airflow.

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