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Different companies are linked to the Indoor Air Quality Cluster

Spain. Different companies in the indoor air treatment sector announced their link with the IAQ Cluster (Indoor Air Quality) with the purpose of working on the creation of solutions that can "improve the air quality of buildings and infrastructures and thus contribute to the health, well-being and safety of their occupants", according to Pau Pallàs, president of the cluster.

The cluster, which brings together the most important companies in the indoor air treatment sector in Spain, has already set to work creating a working group that "is analyzing, designing and implementing in a traceable way solutions to improve indoor air quality to face global health problems such as Covid-19 or environmental issues".

"People spend a lot of time in workspaces, offices and infrastructures, etc., hence the importance of increasing the air quality of those places, something that with the Coronavirus crisis becomes even more urgent," says Pallàs. In this sense, the cluster recalls the existing evidence, according to the World Health Organization, that the Covid-19 virus can move several meters in closed and poorly ventilated places, increasing the risk of contagion.

Among its objectives, the cluster has announced the creation of an analysis methodology to provide a concept of indoor air quality assurance with the collaboration of prestigious technology centers. In addition, it wants to disseminate all the projects in which it works and make them reach society to raise awareness about the importance of indoor air quality for health; for this, it announces different communication and training actions. The cluster begins its journey with a dozen companies to which is added, from the academic and research field, the Center for Innovation and Technology of the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (CIT UPC).

- Publicidad -

The companies and organizations associated with the cluster come from different communities in Spain and are dedicated to the treatment of indoor air, covering the entire value chain: from engineering to the production of ventilation, refrigeration, air conditioning, air conditioning, air conditioning, automation, measurement systems, etc. solutions. Namely, Indoor Air (Cabrera de Mar, Barcelona),

Carrier (Madrid), CIT UPC (Barcelona), Danfoss (Madrid), FabricAir (Zaragoza), Frigicoll (Sant Just Desvern, Barcelona), InBiot (Noain, Navarra), Schneider (Barcelona), Sodeca (Ripoll, Girona), Tubsnet Fire (Mataró, Barcelona), Valtria (Barberà del Vallès, Barcelona) and Venfilter (Terrassa, Barcelona). In total in Spain, they employ more than 1,500 workers, invoice more than 500 EMs and have more than 200 research groups and a global presence in about 150 countries.

Presentation in Barcelona
The presentation of the cluster will take place this Wednesday, July 22 and will be attended by Antoni Cañete, secretary general of PIMEC, and Jordi Berenguer, vice-rector of the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Representatives of the various companies that are part of the cluster will also attend.


Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Author: Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Jefe Editorial en Latin Press, Inc,.
Comunicador Social y Periodista con experiencia de más de 16 años en medios de comunicación. Apasionado por la tecnología y por esta industria. [email protected]

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