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Reduce costs with retrofit programs

The replacement or reconditioning of equipment, according to its use and wear, can mean significant savings in energy consumption.

By: Jorge Gaitán*

Owners of commercial retail establishments, restaurants and office buildings can expect an immediate reduction in the energy costs generated by the CVAC – up to 40% – with the implementation of an Energy Reconditioning in CVAC (refrofit) that includes the installation of high-efficiency equipment in existing buildings.

The "yes" answer to the following questions indicates that you can get savings from an energy reconditioning for CVAC:

1. Is the CVAC team in the building between 12 and 15 years old? As a CVAC system approaches the end of its useful life – about fifteen years – reliability is reduced. Important components, such as a compressor or condenser coil, may need to be replaced.  If the equipment fails in the middle of the summer, emergency replacement can disrupt your activity, lead to sales losses, and require overpricing to repair or replace the unit. In addition, emergency replacement may also involve the immediate unavailability of units with the precise characteristics.

- Publicidad -

2. Are energy costs high? New high-efficiency CVAC equipment offers immediate energy savings. The installation of a high-efficiency roof unit with 11.3 EER replacing a common 7.5-ton unit from the early 90's (with 8.5 EER) will increase efficiency by 33%. Equipment with economizers can offer free cooling to further reduce energy costs. High-efficiency equipment is often a candidate for rebates from energy companies and government control bodies, as well as more conducive to receiving financial aid in the installation, which saves thousands of dollars per unit.

3. Does the equipment need repairs? Older units are more likely to demand costly repairs. Not only can today's units be more durable, but they have service-friendly features designed to reduce maintenance hours. Look for bellows covers with sliding openings and centrally located coolant lines and service valves. Compare the cost of replacing components in a 7.5-ton roof unit with several years of service: Replacing two compressors at $1,200 each, a condenser coil at $1,500 and a heat exchanger at $1,800 can equate to half the cost of replacing the entire unit with a higher energy-efficient system.

4. Can multiple units be replaced immediately? Replacing more than one roof unit or split system increases fixed costs, such as crane rental and travel time, and can also increase the purchasing power required for the equipment.

5. Is immediate positive cash flow desirable? New CVAC equipment can be rented with small advance payments or none at all, and lower operating costs will offer immediate positive cash flow. Planning a CVAC retrofit also helps a building owner control the capital expenditure payout period and choose the most appropriate equipment for the company's needs.

6. Is the building uncomfortable? Since retrofits to any construction can increase or decrease cooling needs, a survey should be done before selecting any new equipment. A CVAC service provider will determine the condition of the equipment and the cooling load of the building. This is an excellent opportunity to solve any problems of comfort and indoor air quality, including ventilation with fresh air and high humidity. Installing a dehumidification system is an efficient aid to control mold proliferation and increase comfort. The installation of roof units with thermostatic expansion valves offers maximum cooling performance across the entire range of applications.

*Lennox Industries, Inc.

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