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AHR Expo presented its educational program for 2020

United States. The 2020 AHR Expo announced its full schedule of sessions for the 2020 Education Program, which includes more than 200 free seminars, new product and technology presentations, professional certifications, and continuing education courses.

Each year, the Education Program discusses some of the greatest HVAC/R opportunities and challenges through a series of comprehensive, informative, industry-focused sessions hosted by leaders from all industry sectors. This year, AHR Expo will add a series of discussions on HVAC/R trends led by members of the AHR Expo Expert Council.

The 2020 AHR Expo will be held Feb. 3-5 at the Orange County Convention Center in Orlando, Florida.

Education sessions
The 2020 Show features 76 free sessions led by industry experts working with leading organizations. Each session will last one to two hours and will aim to offer solutions to some of the most pressing challenges and exciting opportunities in the HVAC/R industry.

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Attendees are invited to attend general HVAC-related topics, as well as those specific to their industry and practice sector. In addition, attendees are encouraged to download the MyShowPlanner app for iOS and Android to manage their education and show program.

"In our daily work, it's easy to get tunnel vision. We often focus so much on what we see in our business that we lose touch with the rest of the industry," said Pam Duffy, PE, owner of SparkOne Solutions and a member of the AHR Expo Expert Council. "Having diverse perspectives from experts across all industry sectors is invaluable in capturing real ideas. The AHR Expo Expert Council has offered guidance from real industry experts to identify true industry trends. I look forward to continuing these discussions as part of the Education Program 2020. "

Below are the highlights of the agenda of the free seminar session of the AHR Expo 2020:
General Industry Topics
- Global trends in the HVACR market, presented by BSRIA Ltd.
- HVAC as a Service: How Soon Is It Now?, presented by BACnet International
- Private Equity 101: What HVACR Founders Need to Know, presented by Women in HVACR

- Test, tuning and balancing fundamentals for engineers, Cx and energy suppliers, presented by the Associated Air Balance Council (AABC)
- Building for a climate emergency, presented by
- Key factors for a successful de-icing design, presented by Radiant Professionals Alliance (RPA)

- Retrofit HVAC paradigm shift: First, attack distribution system; Second, Replace Equipment, presented by the National Comfort Institute (NCI)
- Hydrocarbon refrigerants, presented by RSES / RSES Journal
- Fundamentals of working with flammable refrigerants, presented by the Institute of Refrigeration (IOR)

- HacaC SMACNA duct construction standards - Metal and flexible, presented by SMACNA
- Fan Energy Index (FEI) as a rating metric and design tool, presented by Air Movement and Control Association International, Inc. (AMCA International)
- Cooling tower and fundamentals of water treatment, presented by Cooling Technology Institute (CTI)

- NAFA, Clean Áresa Air Filtration Requirements, presented by the National Air Filtration Association (NAFA)

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Industry Trend
- Attracting more women to the ranks of smart building leadership, presented by

- HVAC Marketing Trends, presented by Pam Duffy, member of the AHR Expo Expert Council

- Applying Emotional Intelligence (E.Q.) to strengthen its business model and customer relationships, presented by Karine Leblanc, member of the AHR Expo Expert Council.

Learn more at

Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Author: Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Jefe Editorial en Latin Press, Inc,.
Comunicador Social y Periodista con experiencia de más de 16 años en medios de comunicación. Apasionado por la tecnología y por esta industria. [email protected]

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