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Thermoking reveals the characteristics of monitoring technology in refrigerated transport

International. According to a study conducted by the World Bank, Mexico recorded about 552 thousand tons a year of wasted beef, as well as 275 thousand tons of chicken meat. There are many factors that go into making this happen: the lack of infrastructure and the training of the workforce; and there is not enough refrigerated transport in our country, says Dr. Genaro Aguilar, coordinator of the study and researcher at the National Polytechnic Institute (IPN).

Just as other sectors benefit from new technologies, refrigerated transport also; and is that today there are solutions that help monitor the load of the truck and the situation in which it is. These tools help companies to ensure, in an efficient and productive way, that the merchandise arrives in the best conditions and does not become waste or waste.

"Today there is technology that allows carriers to visualize the cargo from anywhere, a process that facilitates the monitoring of the merchandise and / or products, ensuring that it reaches its destination in optimal conditions," says José Carlos Gómez, Sales Leader of Thermo King Latin America.

Monitors and carriers can obtain real-time information on the temperature, location and alarm status of refrigerated vehicle fleets. In case the carrier is caught in traffic, a road accident or a closed road, and takes longer to reach its destination, this system will remotely help you evaluate the time and ideal temperature in which the products should be found, in case the operational efficiency increases, while reducing the incidences of pressure loss.

- Publicidad -

This type of technology, without a doubt, comes to revolutionize the entire refrigerated transport chain, and one of the benefits provided by these tools for monitoring, control and cargo security, is that you can have the possibility of:

  • Temperature management: Manage all the parameters of your refrigeration unit from the comfort of where you are to achieve adequate cargo protection and absolute peace of mind.
  • Operational performance and reduced risk of pressure loss: Manage and interact with your refrigeration unit.
  • Fleet tracking: Get real-time, historical data on vehicle positions, so you can better manage your fleet and offer your customers superior service levels. You can review and modify the cooling unit settings when the trailer is on the road.
  • Fuel reading and full reports: The app provides you with real-time information on fleet fuel levels and allows you to calculate the fuel consumption of the cooling unit. In turn, it also offers a number of standard reports.

Undoubtedly, new technological trends are helping companies to innovate and develop tools that allow them to provide better service and products to their customers; Thermo King is part of these companies.

Given these changes that reinforce the safety and efficiency of the products that are transported and the carriers, the new standard 087-SCT-2-2017 is also added, which establishes the specific points of information that must be recorded in printed or electronic form in the Log of Hours of Service of the operator of the heavy unit (trucks and buses) and that the authority will use as tool for your surveillance. Since in our country road accidents claim: 16,500 lives on average per year and cost approximately: $ 150,000 million pesos to the country, which represents: 1.7% of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP), this percentage is the sum of direct and indirect costs of such events1.

What this new Mexican standard seeks is to reduce road accidents, maintain the safety of truck and bus drivers, as well as that of other drivers and potential passengers; This standard regulates driving times and breaks for drivers of federal motor transport services and some of the benefits are:

  • 1 mandatory break of 8 hours for every 14 hours of travel.
  • 1 mandatory break of 30 minutes for every 5 hours of travel.
  • The periods of pause, in no case may be accumulated.
  • The maximum driving time in 24 hours may never exceed 14 hours.
  • The obligation to have a log of 8 hours of service, for personal and non-transferable use.
  • Thanks to monitoring solutions and tools, drivers and carriers will be able to be sure that while they are taking a break and even taking a nap after their 8 hours worked, they will not suffer a theft or loss of merchandise, since these technologies allow to control and secure the load remotely, that is, closing and opening the doors of the boxes will be constantly monitored and secured by the qualified personnel behind the monitor, no matter how far away they are.

And is that according to official figures, from January to September of last year, a total of 8 thousand 727 robberies to the transporters were registered, of the previous figures it is highlighted that in the first nine months of this year, of the robberies committed, seven thousand 328 were with violence, that is, 87% of the total; making the lives of carriers and drivers such as cargo or goods more insecure every day2.

The world is changing daily and new technologies and trends are transforming companies, helping them to control and enrich both their services and products.

Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Author: Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Jefe Editorial en Latin Press, Inc,.
Comunicador Social y Periodista con experiencia de más de 16 años en medios de comunicación. Apasionado por la tecnología y por esta industria. [email protected]

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