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Deliver indoor air solutions for a new luxury cruise ship

International. Halton will expand its supply of indoor air solutions from cruise ship cabins and galleys to special solutions for ship restaurants. The company will supply a total of 31 specially custom-designed energy-saving hoods.

The innovative design is specially developed for Geonbae's "Korean BBQ" restaurant, Virgin Voyages. The custom decks were developed and tested in collaboration with Virgin Voyages and master shipbuilder Fincantieri over the course of two years at the research and development center of the Halton factory in Germany.

In addition to the specially designed hoods, Halton will provide Virgin Voyages with galley ventilation solutions that are highly efficient, reducing energy consumption by up to 50 percent over traditional systems, and were manufactured at Halton's factory in Lahti, Finland.

Halton was selected to develop this critical new system because of its long-term experience and ability to develop and deliver demanding solutions designed and tested to suit the customer's particular conditions, as well as the company's efficient and high-performance technology.

- Publicidad -

"Not only does Halton offer high-quality products and cutting-edge technologies, but its team of experts allowed us to challenge the status quo and develop a customized solution, which will allow us to bring our lively Geonbae restaurant to life, while also helping us achieve our goal of incorporating smart technologies across the ship that help us limit our environmental impact." said Frank Weber, Senior Vice President of Hotel Operations for Virgin Voyages.

"Our close collaboration with Virgin Voyages has provided us with a truly inspiring opportunity to jointly develop new visionary solutions that build on our knowledge of demanding indoor environments and sustainable, energy-efficient ventilation. At the same time, we will contribute to the well-being and best-in-class cruise experience for the people on board. Overall, we are very happy to be at the heart of our mission in this project," said Sami Piirainen, Director of Halton Marine.

Halton deliveries include

  • The specially manufactured Halton JES round bells, with an integrated lighting system for the Korean BBQ restaurant "Geonbae" Scarlet Lady, designed according to the requirements of virgin voyages architects. The chapels have undergone two years of development and testing at the Halton research and development centre in Germany, in collaboration with Virgin Voyages and Fincantieri. The hoods meet the hygiene requirements of USPHS (United States Public Health Service).
  • Kitchen hoods with Halton's patented Capture Jet technology. The hoods use mechanical grease filtration and UV-C.
  • M.A.R.V.E.L. automation system that allows ventilation on demand and energy saving.

Halton began order deliveries for the Scarlet Lady in October 2018 from the Lahti factory. Construction of the ship will be completed in early 2020.

Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Author: Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Jefe Editorial en Latin Press, Inc,.
Comunicador Social y Periodista con experiencia de más de 16 años en medios de comunicación. Apasionado por la tecnología y por esta industria. [email protected]

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