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Thematic axes of the National Congress of Climatización Refricon 2019

Costa Rica. The Refricon Congress that will be held in San José on May 4 and that is organized by Refrimundo has planned different themes within its agenda of activities.

That is why it proposes four axes for this III EDITION: Evolution of the Sector in the following years.
Regulations: As part of the growing concern worldwide for the care and preservation  of the environment, the regulations that regulate the issues of energy efficiency in air conditioners have been updated, all with the purpose that all the actors involved in this sector take actions that seek environmental sustainability.

As part of this process, Mr. Diego Cordero of Inteco, will update on the "new regulation of energy efficiency for 2020", which will enter into force, so that producers, marketers and buyers of air conditioning, must be informed and considered in favor of adopting a proactive role in the environmental issue and by coupling these initiatives and being in compliance with the mandates which shall be established by law.

Economy: It is of the utmost importance to be able to provide an overview of the local economic situation, given the multiple economic factors that currently affect the air conditioning sector. Under this particular, Mr. Randall Madriz, will update the attendees on the subject of the fiscal situation of Costa Rica with the presentation called: "Effects of the Tax Reform for small and medium enterprises".

- Publicidad -

Refrigerants: As part of the worldwide trends in compliance with environmental legislation on refrigerants, and how much this impacts the environment, the specialist Alejandro Mendoza Power, General Manager Refrilatam, will address the topic: "The future of refrigerants", not only to understand why this type of regulation exists, but also, to recognize the importance of making the respective changes and at the right time, since they are aspects that must  be taken into account for decision making, to be aligned with the trend, but even more, not to leave a bad mark on our environment.

Technology: Engineer Oriana Gonzalez, Business Development Manager for Costa Rica and the Caribbean, will address the future solutions that human beings in the Internet of Things  in their daily lives apply, where air conditioning is no exception.

All these issues are of utmost importance  and require follow-up, since they impact the development of companies;  "that is why Refrimundo, going beyond commercial relations, sends every year an update of the variables in technology, solutions, innovation and efficiency, which are the backbone of our sector, in order to maximize our competitiveness," said Alberto Jara, General Manager of Refrimundo.

In addition to this agenda of presentations, attendees will be able to visit the different stands of the sponsors and find the latest trends in technology, equipment, materials, tools and others, which will allow them to work with the best brands, and obtain from the hand of the representatives of Samsung, Innes, Bryant, Halton, Aspen, Cooltek, Diversitech, Tupreco, Kingspan, Global Refrigerants, CPS, Uveral, information relevant to your company.

More information in the email: [email protected]

Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Author: Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Jefe Editorial en Latin Press, Inc,.
Comunicador Social y Periodista con experiencia de más de 16 años en medios de comunicación. Apasionado por la tecnología y por esta industria. [email protected]

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