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Chigo presented its latest news during the Canton Fair

International. Held in Guangzhou, China, at this Import and Export Fair, Chigo HVAC has presented a number of new highly competitive products: the new generation of VRF and mini VRF, the new ceiling floor unit, the ultra-quiet duct, the indoor console unit, the heat exchanger air processor, the top discharge high-efficiency outdoor unit and the high-efficiency air controller were also shown.

Chigo divided its exhibition space into three parts: VRF area, light commercial area and corporate strength area.

VRF Area
The VRF, as a representative of the technical force of Chigo HVAC. The design is inspired by the exhaust air duct of the supercar. By cutting the surface of the block and applying the trapezoidal elements, it provides a great sense of power and a strong visual impact, while making its structure more solid and stable. In addition, in the design of the hood, the design of the horizontal grille is boldly adopted, and the new air duct guide technology is used. Combined with the product trend of the equipment category, the gap with the existing similar product style clearly widens, improving the market recognition of the products. In the future, all Chigo HVAC products will adopt this design and form a familiar style.

The mini VRF with new appearance, adopts a familiar style design, three-dimensional cut, modern and novel, bionic leaf design, uniform air, aerodynamic performance. The performance of the condenser heat exchanger has increased by 20% and the noise was reduced by 5 dB.

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The new ceiling floor unit is gray and white, ultra-thin body, silent air duct design, 3D air supply, and the wind supply distance is more uniform.

The ceiling floor unit is designed primarily with a number of optimizations in heating comfort. When it cools, the wind comes from the top side, and when it gets hot, the wind comes from the bottom. This design is more in line with the thermodynamic characteristics of the air; the use of the ultra-quiet cross-flow wind wheel contributes greatly to the decrease in noise, far ahead of similar products on the market.

The ultra-quiet duct is lighter and thinner at 200mm, effectively reducing installation space and noise by up to 18 dB, perfect for ultra-quiet operation. The high air volume design of the 7HP floor unit makes the air supply further away, the cooling effect is better, and it fills the product gap in the market.

The complete heat exchanger adopts suction heat exchange, and the wind speed is more uniform; using a high-efficiency, energy-saving and eco-friendly heat recovery filter; the noise is lower, and the user has a more comfortable experience.

Light commercial area
The Inverter top discharge outdoor unit directly displays the electronic control system with refrigerant through the transparent acrylic window, which greatly improves the reliability of the electronic control. This outdoor unit adopts Mitsubishi DC inverter compressor, which is highly efficient and quiet. The efficient heat exchanger pipe design greatly improves heat transfer efficiency and energy efficiency up to 18 SEER.

The new air handler has energy  efficiency up to 18 SEER. It is designed with a volute of large volume of air with flexible installation, vertical or horizontal installation. The detachable TXV design makes maintenance more convenient. The optimal size design makes the amount of cargo much larger, effectively reducing transportation costs.

Corporate Strength Area
The corporate visualization area has impressed merchants through a detailed interpretation of Chigo HVAC R&D's design, manufacturing, quality control, professional management, etc. Since its creation in 2011, Chigo HVAC has spared no effort in the investment sector and construction of a leading laboratory to improve the level of inspection and testing, introduce cutting-edge talents to improve R&D capability, present professional Japanese experts to develop core technology, introduce modern production lines and production equipment to significantly increase production capacity. A strong corporate strength helps a lot in market development and sales performance, Chigo HVAC's sales performance has grown rapidly year after year and is constantly moving towards the path of internationalization.

Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Author: Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Jefe Editorial en Latin Press, Inc,.
Comunicador Social y Periodista con experiencia de más de 16 años en medios de comunicación. Apasionado por la tecnología y por esta industria. [email protected]

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