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Research on copper domain in high-tech conductors

International. The International Copper Association (ICA) announced that, despite significant progress, emerging conductive materials are still far from competitive with copper. The research, conducted by IDTechEx, focuses on pure nanocarbon materials, copper nanocomposites and high-temperature superconductors, and suggests that these materials, although still in relative infancy, do not have the properties or costs necessary to threaten the current market.

Improved conductors would theoretically have lower resistance, greater current carrying capacity, lighter weight, smaller size, and reduced temperature dependence. However, according to Dr. Richard Collins, a technology analyst at IDTechEx and author of the research, none of the materials investigated meet all the requirements.

Colin Bennett, Global Manager of Market Analysis and Scope, ICA notes: "It seems clear from the study that competing drivers are far from gaining a foothold in the market, and copper will remain the cornerstone of technological innovation in the future."

Pure nanocarbon materials
Since their inception in the early 1990s, carbon nanotubes (CNTs) have been identified as a possible replacement for copper. In their nanoscale form, their high amperage, thermal conductivity, bending resistance, lower density and resistance temperature coefficient give them some significant advantages over copper. However, successfully translating these benefits to the macroscale is very challenging.

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The progression to macroscale CNT cables, wires and tapes has undergone significant improvements over the past 10 years, and is expected to continue, but the most difficult steps are yet to come and we will not see the CNT thread used in any of the major applications, at least another 10-15 years.

Sometimes called nanoalloys or ultraconducting copper, copper nanocomposites refer to the inclusion of conductive material, such as CNT or graphene, in a copper matrix. Due to their extremely low levels of electrical resistance, which has been measured up to 118% of IACS, copper nanocomposites could be used in a wide range of electrical applications, including magnetic wires in motor stators; copper foil in batteries; tables of circiutos; joining wire for lead frame to chip; chip-level connection; power transmission cable; and power cord.

However, common challenges in manufacturing high-volume usable cable with uniform properties, cost-effectiveness, and availability of upstream supply chain nanocarbon materials are holding back these materials. Most of the research is carried out at the university level.

High-temperature superconductors
High-temperature superconductors (HTS) are the most mature and widely tested of these emerging conductors. They provide zero-resistance solutions when cryogenically cooled below their critical temperature.

With a cable that transmits three to five times the power of copper cable, which helps minimize land use in urban areas; zero resistance cable that minimizes power loss; and the power it transmits at higher current and low voltage, HTS have already been tested in a number of projects. According to research, processing costs are the biggest challenge for HTS. "To ensure large-scale adoption, the cost must reach $20-30 per meter of kiloamp," says Richard.

Source: International Copper Association.

Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Author: Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Jefe Editorial en Latin Press, Inc,.
Comunicador Social y Periodista con experiencia de más de 16 años en medios de comunicación. Apasionado por la tecnología y por esta industria. [email protected]

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