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Remarkable growth of solar power generation in Honduras

Honduras. The Central American country is a regional example given the boom in photovoltaic energy production, since in less than a decade, solar generation became 10 percent of the energy matrix, according to the National Electric Energy Company (ENEE).

Since 2012, the country has taken steps to reduce dependence on hydrocarbons.

Featured projects
Three projects stand out for efficient in energy savings for an equal number of companies that ventured into this field that is gaining strength in the world, as part of the international agenda to reduce the impacts of the greenhouse effect or global warming.

A publication by IDB-Invest, the private financing and advisory arm of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), captures the success of the projects developed in Honduras, because they generate electricity, are friendly to the environment and leave profits to companies.

- Publicidad -

The document is called "Solar Energy; the Revolution that Drives the Development of Honduras", contains the success stories of several ventures implemented with financial support and advice from IDB-Invest.

The list is headed by the recycler Inversiones Materiales (Invema), the University of San Pedro Sula and the Corporación Industrial del Norte (Corinsa), established in Cortés and which have saved up to 30 percent a year in the electricity bill by having installed solar panels on their roofs.

Corinsa is listed as the company with the largest roof full of solar panels in Latin America. Soposa also appears, or better known as Nacaome which is one of the largest solar generation plants operating in Latin America, from Chile to Mesoamerica, with an area of 440 hectares, 146 megawatt hours and illuminating 150 thousand homes.

The publication includes the successes of the solar energy sector in Honduras that serve as an example in several countries in the region and the Caribbean, according to the Head of Advisory Services of IDB-Invest, Jaime García Alba.

The Honduran solar energy development model will also be presented in Caribbean countries where the IDB sees potential for energy self-sufficiency based on sunlight.

There is also an exponential growth that "what we have done is capture the history of how this market has developed in Honduras, because there are other countries in the region that could benefit from a similar process," summarized the IDB-Invest executive, Jaime Garcia Alba.

Source: La Tribuna.

Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Author: Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Jefe Editorial en Latin Press, Inc,.
Comunicador Social y Periodista con experiencia de más de 16 años en medios de comunicación. Apasionado por la tecnología y por esta industria. [email protected]

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