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Carvel presented the assembly made in the international dock of the Cali airport

Colombia. The Colombian company specialized in HVAC engineering, Carvel, announced some details of the project of the assembly of the international pier of the Alfonso Bonilla Aragón Airport in the city of Cali.

The company explained that the Air Conditioning and Mechanical Ventilation Service of Bathrooms for the Work in this space has been developed through the use of two Water Cooling Plants (Chillers) interconnected by means of PVCRDE21 pipe (primary and secondary variable circuit) to thirteen Central Station Air Handling Units for heavy work, serving a total heated area of 8,356 M2 in five zones as follows:

  • Zone 1 System 1 - First Floor International Luggage 2.050 M2
  • Zone 2 System 2 - Second Floor International Control 1.333 M2
  • Zone 3 System 3 - Second Floor International Boarding 3,159 M2
  • Zone 4 System 4 - First Floor Migration Control 620 M2
  • Zone 5 System 5 - 1st Floor Corridor 1.194 M2

The Air Extraction System of the Bathrooms will serve a total of 4 batteries on the first floor and 4 batteries on the second with a total of 419 M2 to which a number of 20 renovations per hour will be made which is equal to a change of the total volume of air every 3 minutes through five Systems.

Carvel also stressed that the HVAC design and analysis for the calculation of thermal load has been developed using the HaP Software Engineering tool (Hourly Analysis Program) in its version 4.8 of Carrier that is aligned with all Ashrae standards and endorsed by the USGBC (U.S. Green Building Council).

- Publicidad -

To comply with ASHRAE standards 62.1 of 2007 in terms of population and ventilation as outdoor air intakes on average 7 CFM per person and 0.06 CFM/Ft2 of area that reach the required flow rate for each of the Zones, this will be taken from the outside of the building at ambient temperature conditions through each air handling unit and its mixing chamber, once there the mixture of return air with the outside air is produced, passing the entire flow through the pre-filter battery of each unit of 35% efficiency Merv 8, then to the cooling coil and finally to the air-conditioned space.

In order to comply with the 90.1 standard of 2007 of ASHRAE, the Outdoor Air Intake System contemplates through the automation control to be installed Ivu Open of Carrier CO2 sensors (Carbon Dioxide) that depending on the number of parts per million, regulate the flow in one of the gates of the mixing chamber to one of the air handling units in each Zone.

Similarly with the ASHRAE 52.2 standard of 2007, the design considers filtration in all its equipment (Air Handling Units) of 30 to 35% Merv 8 efficiency with typical control of contaminants of 3 to 10 microns.

The Project has been based on the following design conditions, having taken the exterior information provided by ASHRAE Fundamental Handbook 2013 chapter 14 "Climatic Design Information" for conditions in Cali Colombia.

Outdoor Environment:

  • Dry Bulb Temperature: 88°F = 31.11°C
  • Wet Bulb Temperature: 76°F
  • Height above Sea Level: 3,189 ft = 972 Mts
  • Latitude: 3.4 North
  • Longitude: 76.5 West
  • Indoor Environment:
  • Dry Bulb Temperature: 71.6°F = 22°C
  • Average Relative Humidity: 50%
  • (2010 ASHRAE Standard 55)

Source: Carvel.

Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Author: Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Jefe Editorial en Latin Press, Inc,.
Comunicador Social y Periodista con experiencia de más de 16 años en medios de comunicación. Apasionado por la tecnología y por esta industria. [email protected]

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