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Heatcraft equipment in refrigeration project in Medellín

Colombia. Greater performance and lower consumption of electrical energy, was the challenge for Heatcraft, for the expansion of the plants in all the cold chains of Distribuidora Milenium, a Colombian refrigerator located in Medellín and with distribution of its products throughout the country.

The result was 30% energy savings achieved through the technological differentials of the equipment used.

To meet the growing demand, distribuidora Milenium expanded its refrigeration plant with the support of the companies Heatcraft (Brazil) and Refrindustrial Ingenieria (Colombia) for the realization of the project. The expansion of the refrigeration areas occurred in three stages, which ended in mid-2017. With a refrigeration capacity of 800 tons of food, using only a power of 156 HP, and operating 18 hours per day, the challenge was to offer higher performance and lower energy consumption; and the solution found was the use of Heatcraft equipment.

According to Mr. Fernando Gómez, general manager of the Milenium Distributor, "The result of the project was fully satisfactory, we have plants with better performance, lower energy consumption and that meet our needs in relation to the cold chain, bearing in mind the correct handling of food in terms of current regulations and the protection of the environment".

- Publicidad -


To this is added the concept of the professional Zootechnician Harold Alexander Jaramillo, Director of the plants: "We have found in Heatcraft, with its brands, a strategic ally in the development of new food products, for the quality of the cold chains, with the refrigeration equipment. In addition, the use of environmentally friendly 507 refrigerant is in line with Milenium's environmental commitment."

The Project
Since 2008 the Milenium Distributor has been gaining notoriety and expanding its participation in the segment, and, to accompany this growth, it was necessary to expand and some adaptations in the refrigerated areas of its plants. The Distributor has a total plant of 1,800 m², and made an investment in refrigeration equipment for US$900,000. Between its three plants and its two distribution centers, with a cooling power arrangement in the South Headquarters of 36 HP, in the Turky chops and fillets plant of 52.5 HP, in the Nugetts plant of 24.5 HP and in the meat derivatives and sausages of 22.5 HP.

According to Engineer Jahir Loaiza, from Refrindustrial: "To meet the demand requested in this project, where the challenge was to present lower energy consumption and greater efficiency of the equipment; we chose Heatcraft, as we have reliability in operation, proven energy efficiency, technical support and replacement of guaranteed parts".

For all the projects of the Milenium Distributor, equipment of the Bohn and Flexcold brands was selected, which are developed and certified in heatcraft's international laboratories: the equipment is Rack Compact, ETE evaporators. When the different systems were interconnected, they perfectly met all the cooling needs with excellent results.

The compact rack was used in the project for presenting a reduced design to provide space savings with low cost. You have the option of digital Copeland Scroll compressors, which act directly in conjunction with the required thermal load demands. Its capacitor in this rack model is remote, which simplified maintenance and decreased the space occupied by the equipment.

The ETE is a forced air evaporator with German technology engines, 500 mm in diameter, which has a high efficiency profile, ideal for spaces with reduced width. Exclusive design for applications in freezing tunnels due to the positioning of the motors in vertical layout. The goal is to increase the capacity of the evaporator, rather than  increasing the number of motors in the horizontal, whereupon the product is stacked vertically.

Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Author: Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Jefe Editorial en Latin Press, Inc,.
Comunicador Social y Periodista con experiencia de más de 16 años en medios de comunicación. Apasionado por la tecnología y por esta industria. [email protected]

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