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An example of dedication

An important representative of the industry in Chile is Alejandro Requesens, President of the Chilean Chamber of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning, and the Professional of the month of this edition.

by Duván Chaverra Agudelo

Alejandro Requesens P. was born in Santiago de Chile in February 1956, today with 60 years he is a professional in the air conditioning area with vast experience and recognized for his long career, even more so now that he holds the position of President of the Chilean Chamber of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning, CChRyC, for three years.

The beginnings in the industry for the Professional of the month of this edition come thanks to his family, which had its own business called Frigotecnica Industrial, which had a presence in the market during  the eighties and  nineties. Alejandro is a publicist by profession, but with the opportunity he had in the family business he managed to know the market in a great way, by going through all the positions available in the company, which was a fundamental personal development, which allowed him to learn each function and be able to understand the other employees in the personal dynamics of each one.

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Later he worked in the commercial areas of the company Termotecnica TMT, another very prominent company in the country; later he was in charge of the company Uniaire, representative of air conditioning equipment in Chile and then continued in Acetogen in charge of the air conditioning area, oriented to retail.

In 2000 the company BtoB, Business to Business Ltda. became independent and formed, which is currently operating and is mainly oriented to the thermal insulation sector, being the exclusive representative of a recognized brand of great presence in the Latin American market. They are currently insulation suppliers for a large part of the installation companies specializing in air conditioning, refrigeration and heating, in addition to the large retail chains.

As an outstanding professional, Alejandro has challenges to overcome in his daily work. The challenges for your company in the coming years is to maintain the prominent position in its specialty of thermal insulation and to be able to incorporate other attached products to serve the installer market. It is important to note that despite the competitiveness of the market they have managed to maintain a technical level and quality of their products, maintaining stock and personalized attention with their main customers. The work team is small, and its qualities of tireless work and commitment to its customers stand out, these being the main reasons for recognition in this market.

In his other responsibility as president of the CChRyC he has led important changes in this organization, highlighting its new offices, which currently operate in an area of 300mt2, with the only Certification Center in Chile in the sector and a complete room for events and meetings for more than 50 people.

In addition, this year he was accompanying the entire process of organizing the III Expo Frío Calor Chile, an important fair in South America that in its 2016 edition was attended by more than 6,000 professional visitors from the area, and for the year 2019 is committed to the realization of the CIAR in  Chile, Ibero-American Congress of Air Conditioning.

Market perspective
Regarding the evolution of the market, especially in the area in which our guest specializes, he says that there have been many changes: "In the eighties I do not remember that in our company we included thermal insulation products. But the current possibilities are varied and specialized for each occasion and need, it is pleasant to realize that the market has already incorporated this word "thermal insulation", with all that these mean for both national and global environmental issue. There is still a lack of knowledge and greater responsibility of both installers and designers and we must not exclude the user or end customer, who must demand suitable solutions and be part of this environmental commitment".

Alejandro estimates that the HVAC/R market will continue to evolve in the coming years, especially with an inclination towards lower energy consumption, environment and efficiency. On the thermal insulation sector, he commented: "This area of the HVAC market only presents future challenges in all its aspects; improvements and new materials will surely be the trend in the coming years, as well as a greater importance within the general projects and evaluate their exact benefits and savings, when considering equipment of lower capacity and consumption, reducing energy and economic costs. "

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The Professional's Family
Alejandro is currently married and has one son: Andrés Felipe, 32; his life in general is between business projects related to air conditioning, solar energy and hardware, travel and enjoying sports, no longer as an athlete, but as an amateur, highlighting the football team of his loves, the Spanish Union, the world of tennis and NBA basketball. His main hobby is writing, for years he has been dedicated to writing small stories and now he has begun the project of writing a book.

Currently, her main challenge is the unconditional support of her son, who has been affected by a serious illness since the beginning of 2016. But this has not affected his work in the Trade Association, since the sector has the project that was raised at the beginning of his presidency, which is to leave the Chamber as an economically sustainable organization and with an impact on the air conditioning market in Chile, being recognized both nationally and internationally.

Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Author: Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Jefe Editorial en Latin Press, Inc,.
Comunicador Social y Periodista con experiencia de más de 16 años en medios de comunicación. Apasionado por la tecnología y por esta industria. [email protected]

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