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Much small = Very large.

In my humble opinion, I believe that a new world opens up in the near future, if not the present. And the truth, I don't see any movement in this regard. Why?. Well, well, I explain.

With this blog and my projects I have used a lot of free software, and the truth is that I have been pleasantly surprised by what I have seen. There are wonders waiting to be used. As are the software that makes this blog possible (wordpress), databases, web servers, IDE's, photo retouching programs, vector graphics, etc.

And I wonder, why can't we do the same? In fact, there are already developments in this regard, such as the OSCAT library for plc programmed with Codesys.

Recently, I have been programming with php to make web applications, for the supervision of cold rooms. The result still has me hallucinating, although there is a lot of work to be done. The cost of such an application makes it possible to create monitoring systems at a really affordable cost and with infinite possibilities. It only requires one thing, time.

- Publicidad -

Yes, we agree, time is worth money, sorry a lot of money. But the important thing about all this is that once a function is created, it can be reused an infinite number of times and improving it requires little time.

It is clear that I, as a programmer who do my own developments, am nothing compared to brands such as eliwell, ako, osaka (cold) or siemens, telemecanique, indusoft, etc (SCADAS). But I do see that I have a place in this world, my projects come forward, the clients are happy, etc. The secret is to work, work and work.
Work to create FBs, for example, that convert pressure into temperature for 404, another for 134, 22, NH3,... Work to create functions that allow you to graph temperature, send mail and sms, receive sms, etc. Another programmer will see himself in the same needs and create his own functions, and there we are working, working, working to do all the same thing.

I sincerely believe that efforts could be joined in this regard. It is not an easy task to lay the foundations of a collaboration, I still do not know how it could be done, but I firmly believe in this idea.

Well, what do you think of this?

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Authors: David

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