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The GENERA Fair will return to Madrid from May 11 to 13 as the great event of clean energy

The International Energy and Environment Fair GENERA will celebrate its fourteenth edition at Ifema from May 11 to 13 as the great event of clean energy and energy efficiency and with new proposals for the new needs of the market, as reported this Thursday Feria de Madrid through a statement.

The event, organized by Ifema and promoted by the Institute for the Diversification and Saving of Energy (IDAE), will bring together in halls 8 and 10 of the Feria de Madrid the most competitive companies of alternative sources of production and optimization of energy consumption. The show also aims to contribute to the promotion of the '20/20/20' plan of the European Union, which aims to cut CO2 emissions by 2020, improve energy efficiency and achieve that 20 percent of the energy consumed comes from renewable sources.

In addition, with the aim of promoting the dissemination of the National Plan for the Promotion of electric vehicles 2010-2012 (MOVELE Plan), the Institute for the Diversification and Saving of Energy (IDAE) promotes in GENERA 2011 the creation of the MOVELE Zone, a differentiated physical space reserved for those companies, organizations and institutions participating in the development of this initiative that promotes the use of electric vehicles.

The MOVELE Zone will bring together vehicle manufacturers and importers, companies specialized in the installation of recharging centers, energy service companies, entities specialized in the financing of vehicle fleets, as well as the representation of public and private institutions most involved in the development of electric mobility technologies.

- Publicidad -

Likewise, GENERA 2011 will have a wide national and international representation of the main companies and suppliers of areas such as solar thermal and photovoltaic energy --which accounted for 53 percent of the total offer of the last edition--, cogeneration, geothermal energy, hydraulics, biomass and waste, biofuels, hydrogen and fuel cell, marine and fossil energies, as well as other sectors that are experiencing significant growth in recent years.

On the other hand, for the fourth consecutive year the Innovation Gallery will bring together the most avant-garde proposals created by industry and research centers in energy, environmental and promotion of renewable sources of production and energy saving. The reception of proposals and projects will be open until March 7, date from which a jury formed by professionals from the sector will proceed to the study and selection of the twenty best initiatives.

GENERA 2011 will also host technical conferences where leading companies and some of the best experts in the sector will address all issues related to the development of renewable energies. To the novelties and previous activities will also be added the GENERA Forum, a space where exhibitors can present their papers of a commercial nature, taking advantage of the presence at the Fair of the main actors in the renewable energy and energy efficiency industry.

The organizers hope to exceed the figures achieved last year, an edition that was attended by 409 direct exhibitors representing 662 companies. The influx was 22,865 visitors. GENERA will remain open, between Wednesday 11 and Friday 13 May, in interrupted hours from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. (EUROPA PRESS)

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