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Experts analyze renewable energies and energy efficiency in the European islands in Tenerife

The Higher Technical School of Civil and Industrial Engineering of the University of La Laguna, together with the Cluster of Renewable Energies, Environment and Water Resources of the Canary Islands, has organized this Friday an international seminar called 'Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energies in European Islands'.

In this activity, which will be developed entirely in English, researchers from the University of La Laguna and the islands of Crete (Greece) and Samso (Denmark) will take part, the only island in the world that is currently nourished by 100% renewable energies, as reported by the teaching center.

The presentations of this seminar will deal with aspects such as the application of renewable energies in homes and industries, energy audits and the use of geothermal resources or solar energy for desalination.

The talks will be held between 10.00 and 14.00 in the hall of degrees of the Computer Engineering Building, and attendance is free and open to all those who wish to know more about these topics. This seminar is partially funded by the Seventh Framework Programme on R&D&I of the European Commission.

- Publicidad -


As already mentioned, this activity is carried out by the ULL in collaboration with an innovative cluster or business association. It is a group of companies and related institutions, geographically concentrated, competing in the same business, and possessing common characteristics and complementarities. Clusters can be made up of companies, suppliers, support services, specialized infrastructures, developers of related products and institutions specialized in a given field (e.g. training programs, business associations, universities, R&D&I centers, etc.).

Universities and research centres, as knowledge-generating bodies, have the capacity to promote innovative projects through transfer activities that help companies and regions to increase their competitiveness, the main purpose of clusters.

The University of La Laguna, as an institution committed to its immediate environment, already participates in several of these groups, and is preparing its affiliation to others in the immediate future. (EUROPA PRESS)

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