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A company that stomps its feet

altTadeo Peralta Johnson built his company from scratch and gradually positioned himself in the industry, to the point that today he can afford to be one of the most important distributors in Mexico.

By: Alejandra García Vélez

Tadeo Peralta Johnson was born in Hermosillo, Sonora, Mexico and began his professional career in the area of mechanics; Precisely his university studies were carried out in the Regional Technological of Hermosillo, where he graduated as an Industrial Mechanical Engineer with a specialty in Thermodynamics. In this area he worked as a production supervisor in a local company, but after a year he decided to become independent and create his own company.

"Continuing with the dream I had since I was a child to form my own company I made the decision to dedicate myself as a contractor to the repair of household appliances and air conditioning; as I had no experience in the field I traveled to the United States to work for a contractor. I worked during the day and studied at night at an air conditioning technical school until at six months I returned home believing that I had already acquired enough knowledge in the middle to start my own business. How wrong I was, because I already have 21 years in the middle and there is not a single day that I do not learn something new, "said the professional of the month.

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That initial idea evolved into what T&P Refrigeration is today; "One of the first things I came across was that the hardest thing to do a repair was to find someone to sell you the spare parts that were required to finish the job. Therefore, tired of looking for spare parts and materials, two years after starting the business I decided to change the approach and partner with my brother-in-law Oscar Tapia to open what is currently T&P Refrigeration: a company dedicated to the commercialization of spare parts, materials and equipment for the HVACR industry that exclusively serves contractors and professionals in the medium. " Peralta said.

Ten and nine years later the company has expanded and currently has seven stores and a distribution center located in four states of the Northwest of the Mexican Republic. But what is the key to success? Peralta assures that the most important thing is the human team that surrounds him: "maintaining the best team of collaborators in the company, interested in learning and supporting the growth of the company and growing as people is one of the main challenges; also as a manager I think the most important thing is leadership, through example and respect."

T&P Refrigeration stands out because they only sell to industry contractors; because in Mexico the distribution chain is not so delimited and there are many wholesalers who also sell to the end user, Peralta believes that one of the main challenges is to achieve the development, growth and professionalization of this important sector within the industry "if others are better entrepreneurs we can be better and we can aspire to continue growing as a company", Said.

Regarding the immediate future and the possibilities of expansion, Peralta believes that the region has a very great potential to become a key piece of the global economy and affirms that within the HVACR he sees enormous opportunities for those who prepare and understand the new trends and technologies that end users are demanding.

"The industry will continue to expand and continue with its natural process of growth and maturation especially for those who prepare; I think that here fits very well a phrase that I read a long time ago from a philosopher who says that in times of drastic changes, those who bet on knowledge will inherit the future".

He also stressed that "companies are mainly made up of people and the more educated, trained and updated the better companies we will have and the better societies.
In our industry we have a very big challenge that we must meet manufacturers, wholesalers and contractors, we need to raise the level of knowledge together to really understand the new technological trends that our client is demanding".

Another key point for Peralta is to consolidate the distribution chain, for him that is the main foundation with which the future of the industry must be built, and will allow to better face all the changes that are coming, both threats and opportunities.

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The family
When talking about his family Tadeo Peralta is filled with emotion and does not hesitate to affirm that he is a very lucky person. "My fortune began since I was born, I grew up and developed with the best parents and siblings that someone can have, then to continue with the good streak I marry Georgina and we have very good children and if that were not enough I have the best job that one can have, because I enjoy what I do and I can also live from it. "

He also proudly declares that he is happily married to Georgina Encinas Urquides, also from Hermosillo, who is the proud mother of his four children. Tadeo is the oldest of the four, he is 16 years old and studying second year of high school, the second is Daniel of 14 years who is in second of secondary school, Georgy of 11 years is in fifth grade and Diego the youngest is about to enter primary.

As for his hobbies, he says that what he likes most is to live with his family and friends, go to the movies with his wife and recently he has been interested in traveling and knowing new places and cultures. To conclude, he affirms that "I think one of the main recipes for success is that you like and enjoy what you do, apart from that what remains are industrial amounts of work and perseverance."


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