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The obsession of the ecological

I believe that these days any news or announcement about measures taken to mitigate the impact that the industry has on the environment is very well received; the environmental catastrophe of the Gulf of Mexico and the relaxation with which British Petroleum has responded to the destruction of one of its offshore oil platforms, and that has poured millions of barrels of crude oil into the ocean, leaving terrible consequences for the flora and fauna of the area, have moved the planet.

And it's time to stop. In addition to the dire consequences of the action of the predatory hand of man, now we are going to come out with that "accidents happen", which are produced by, according to some comments I have heard, the use of second-line materials in the construction of these platforms by the oil giant.

That's why I feel a slight freshness when I learn of initiatives to somehow compensate for our harmful existence: recently the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, of the United States Department of Energy (DOE), revealed that it had invented a new process for air conditioning with the ability to use between 50 and 90% less energy than most of the first line units available on the market.

The invention, according to a DOE report, uses membrane technology to combine the efficiency of evaporative cooling and the drying potential of saline liquid dissected solutions. One of the inventors said the idea was to revolutionize cooling by removing millions of metric tons of coal from the air, adding that they have been working with membranes, evaporative coolers and dissecting and that they saw an opportunity to combine these three elements in one device to offer a product with unique capabilities.

The news fills me with illusion, because although the impact of the various industries on the environment has many nuances and visions, I will always make a bar for those initiatives that change a little the vision of a selfish human being and pending only his own benefits. These are gestures that society looks at with good eyes. What do you think reader? Please write to me [email protected] or participate in our magazine forums in

A cold greeting.

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