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Daikin contributes to energy efficiency training

One of the main challenges facing virtually all industrial sectors today is how to achieve higher levels of energy efficiency, with the aim of saving costs and minimizing environmental impact. In this sense, Daikin, leader in the air conditioning sector, is offering its vision and experience through participation in presentations, training cycles and technical conferences. An example of this has been the Technical Conference on Energy Saving and Efficiency held at the Official College of Industrial Technical Engineers of Ciudad Real.

Specifically, Gonzalo Martín, head of prescription of the West Zone in Daikin presented the main aspects related to the Improvement in Air Conditioning Systems that are key to reducing energy consumption.

Likewise, during his speech, Martín explained to the attendees some of the most innovative solutions of the company that stand out for their savings and energy efficiency. Among them, the VRV system with Heat Recovery for DHW production, the high performance chillers and Heat Pumps (Partial Load Efficiency) and the Daikin Altherma system.

The presence of Daikin in this type of conference aims to bring the latest and most efficient technologies to professionals in the sector so that they can tackle their projects with greater success.

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In this same line, it is also worth mentioning the participation of Daikin in the "I Conference on Technology and Innovation: Commercial Houses" organized by the University of Alcalá and framed within the Master's Degree in Advanced Project of Architecture and City.

Javier Montilla, from the Technical Department of Daikin, was one of the speakers invited by the University of Alcalá with a talk that emphasized the importance of having efficient air conditioning systems within a framework of sustainable architecture.

Daikin solar panels obtain official certification from the Ministry of Industry

Daikin is betting on a technological development that directs its efforts towards increasingly environmentally friendly equipment that uses renewable energies, such as aerothermal or solar energy.

This commitment of Daikin has been recognized with the certification that the Secretary of State for Energy of the Ministry of Industry, Tourism and Trade has granted to the EKSV 26P solar panels, on November 12.

Daikin's EKSV26P flat solar collectors have passed the technical tests carried out by the Solartechnik Prüfung Forschung laboratory that have ruled that they meet all the specifications and quality requirements required by Order ITC/71/2007 of 22 January on technical requirements for solar panels.

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This certification of Daikin's solar panels joins the Solar Keymark certification, for solar thermal products, recognized throughout Europe and which helps users to opt for the highest quality solar collectors.

In addition, the Daikin Altherma Bibloc and Monobloc systems, which become the best ally of solar energy, have the European Eco Label, which is awarded to those products that meet all the environmental criteria of the European Union. In this way, the joint use of the Daikin Altherma system with The Daikin solar panels offers the user an "all-in-one" system of Heating, Air Conditioning and Domestic Hot Water with all the guarantees and a really efficient operation.

About Daikin

Daikin is currently the leading provider of comprehensive HVAC solutions. As a result of its new diversification strategy more in line with a market in full change, in addition to "Air Conditioning", a market in which it is the undisputed leader, it has expanded its offer penetrating new markets: Heating, Refrigeration and Hydronic Systems. The company began operating in Spain in 1982, responding to the growing demand for high quality air conditioning equipment that occurred both in Europe and in our country. In this time, it has become one of the most important sales subsidiaries of the Japanese firm. Today, Daikin offers a wide coverage of solutions and services throughout the national territory. Nine delegations are responsible for taking their products to any point of the national geography. Daikin Industries is a symbol of cooperation between East and West by serving the needs of our customers through 81 offices and 14 production plants (5 in Japan, 2 in Thailand, 3 in China, 1 in the USA and 3 in Europe).

Authors: Air Conditioning

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