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Protec, in tune with the environment

For a week, contractors, engineers and professionals from the air conditioning and ventilation industry will celebrate Protec's 35 years aboard the ocean liner "Liberty of the Seas" on a Caribbean cruise, where they can also share their professional experiences.

By AC/R Latin America

The causes of climate change have been reflected in the environment over the past 15 years, which is why many companies in the CVAC/R industry have looked for ways to mitigate its effect on global warming. This is the case of the Protec organization, founded 35 years ago by the engineer Alfredo Sotolongo with the purpose of offering quality products and services for energy conservation and the air conditioning industry; in addition to making the new technologies of these industries accessible to engineers and technicians in Latin America and the Caribbean.

10 years ago, when the company turned 25, Sotolongo said that the company was founded in order to facilitate in Latin America access to products for ventilation and air conditioning required by projects in the region. in their language and with people who identify with their idiosyncrasies, a mission that continues to be fulfilled over time and has expanded to other places.

Protec began its business activities in the year l973 in the city of Miami.  Its warm welcome by the industry and its rapid growth, allowed that already in the year l982 they built their own center of administration, operations and manufacturing, from where it has supplied the needs of the Central American market, South America, Mexico and the Caribbean.  In the last 10 years it expanded its operations to the US market and Europe, covering mainly Spanish territory.

Energy operation

- Publicidad -

During the last 35 years, energy crises and awareness of the need to avoid environmental pollution have motivated companies to develop innovative products and systems focused on energy saving.

Protec has always remained at the forefront of our industry in the market introduction and implementation of such products related to the air conditioning industry.

Throughout these 35 years, Protec has offered countless training seminars for engineers and technicians in its offices in Miami, as well as in different countries, on various products and control systems to contribute to energy conservation.

Advances in electronics have made possible a better and more effective communication, strengthening relations with its associates and customers in different countries.

Choral weddings

For many these 35 years are the accumulation of experiences acquired; if we were to talk about a marriage union they would be called coral weddings. For Alfredo, his family and those who have accompanied him, this time means many efforts, gains, achievements, difficulties, developments and responsibilities, which today are reflected in a company that has contributed to the progress of the industry through its products and training for engineers and technicians.

Although time has passed, the company continues to operate mainly in Latin America and the Caribbean, and as mentioned above, it has expanded its borders managing to bring its energy-saving products to more countries; such success suggests that the celebration of these 35 years will be equal to or more special than that of the 25, since the future of the company is promising and its collaboration with the environment effective.

- Publicidad -

A decade ago Alfredo Sotolongo, his family, friends, customers and collaborators celebrated the Protec Convention 25 years in the middle of the Caribbean, on the ocean liner "Grandeur of the Seas"; in 2008 they will celebrate their coral weddings on a Caribbean cruise, which will depart from Miami on April 26 of this year.

As some time ago, this meeting will be attended by professionals, clients, friends, family and all those who have accompanied Alfredo and the company; In addition to the immense joy of sharing such a special celebration, the objective will be to exchange aspects of the industry, knowledge and experiences with a friendly company that for seven decades has contributed to the development of the industry in Latin America.

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