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Adoption and use of smart home technologies: What happened in 2023?

Adopción y el uso de tecnologías Smart Home: ¿Qué pasó en 2023?

International. Harbor Research conducted a survey on smart home technology trends, in support of ASHB's research on industry opportunities.

The survey included feedback from more than 800 consumers in the United States and Canada, with the goal of digging deeper into the perceptions, preferences and reservations of renters and residential propietaries regarding the topic.

Figures and findings
AI-powered features in home energy management and security systems excite more than half of today's smart home users. 51% of consumers value robust features and 47% demand easy-to-use interfaces. 27% also highlight the role of customer service on the part of the supplier.

Investment remains high in security and energy efficiency technologies, with 52% and 39% of respondents planning to invest in them, respectively. Financial savings are cited by 63% as the top ROI consideration. An additional 28% recognize the increase in property value as a significant return on investment.

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72% of respondents have adopted some form of smart technology, leaving 26% as an untapped demographic.

Approximately 30% of the surveyed population feels somewhat comfortable sharing data when they see the benefits of their smart devices clearly.

Meanwhile, 77% of potential adopters express a willingness to accept AI-powered solutions, but on the condition that there is transparency, especially when it comes to how their data will be used. In contrast, 23% of respondents are cautious and skeptical of any form of data utilization.

On the other hand, nearly a quarter of respondents are strongly opposed to sharing their data, putting privacy at the forefront of their concerns, regardless of potential improvements in device performance.

A remarkable 60% affirm the importance of sustainability, but this enthusiasm wanes when the topic shifts to investing in sustainability certifications. However, 44% of smart home device users said they would like to see real-time energy monitoring features in their homes.

Market trends
The smart home landscape is marked by high enthusiasm for AI-powered features, offset by concerns about data security and high costs.

While consumers value user-centric designs and customer service, suppliers struggle to meet safety, energy efficiency, and aftermarket expectations, all within budget limits.

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Sustainability is gaining traction, but financial barriers remain. Adoption patterns vary significantly across age groups.

The survey and related report can be viewed online at the ASHB website.

Álvaro León Pérez Sepúlveda
Author: Álvaro León Pérez Sepúlveda
Editor - Latin Press, Inc.
Comunicador Social Periodista egresado de la Universidad de Antioquia, con más de 14 años de experiencia en medios periodísticos y proyectos de comunicación digital. [email protected]

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