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A mentor and guide for the next generation of business leaders

Un mentor y guía para la próxima generación

It's time to learn about the story of Víctor Mora, Managing Director of Lennox Global, this edition's Professional of the Month.

By ACR Latin America

...and who doesn't know Victor Mora in the HVAC industry. Víctor is one of the most respected and loved characters in the entire industry. His charisma and good vibes have been characteristics that, complemented by his great professional skills, have allowed him to earn important recognition in the field of HVAC/R, and for this reason, and after much insistence to convince him, he agreed to participate in this edition as the Professional of the Month.

This is an opportunity to get to know him a little better and share with you his insights into what it means to be a leader at Lennox and his vision for the industry as a whole.

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Víctor Mora was born in New York, but Latin blood runs through his veins, having grown up in the Dominican Republic, where he says he was educated under Jesuit principles, focused on forming global citizens with a commitment to service and justice.

Víctor began to develop his work experience from a very young age, since at the age of 14 he was already in the pharmaceutical company of his adoptive father and mentor in the Dominican Republic, performing roles in warehouse, courier and general office.

Subsequently, during his university studies, he also held various jobs, but it was in February 1990 that he began his history at Lennox International Inc., initially as a brand representative and then as an employee after the acquisition of Strong International Inc.

Victor's impeccable career has focused on the international markets of Asia, the Middle East and, especially, Latin America and the Caribbean. "Throughout my career I have faced varied challenges, obtaining extensive professional experience and a deep knowledge of customer and market service, always guided by values of integrity, respect and excellence", said the professional.

ACR: What are your personal challenges and your next goals to accomplish personally and professionally?
Víctor Mora: In the professional field, my main challenge is to integrate my extensive life and work experience with technological innovations and new perspectives in the business world.

My goal is to elevate the organizations I work with to higher levels by working closely with emerging professionals in the field. This goal involves not only adapting to rapid and continuous changes in technology and market trends, but also mentoring and guiding the next generation of business leaders.

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Personally, my challenge aligns with my professional goals: to keep learning and staying up to date in an ever-changing world. This includes not only the acquisition of technical knowledge, but also the understanding and adaptation to new social, cultural and generational dynamics.

ACR: What analysis do you make about the importance of the relationship with employees and collaborators, the training of personnel and the objectives that must be met?
Víctor: The relationship with employees and collaborators is key in any organization. While technology is essential, true leadership training is achieved through personal mentoring that seeks to form teams united by clear objectives.

Staff training should include soft and technical skills, fostering a motivating work environment and honest and open dialogues. The company's goals should be clear and shared with everyone, ensuring that each member feels committed to serving customers and exceeding the team's goals.

ACR: What do you think are the reasons for your recognition in this market?
Victor: I would prefer others to comment on my achievements, but if I had to summarize I would say that my recognition in the market is due to a combination of qualities: resilience and consistency have allowed me to face and overcome constant challenges. My adaptability and flexibility have helped me adjust to changes and new trends. In addition, my constant search for knowledge keeps me updated and relevant. But most of all, my passion for helping others is central to my professional approach.

ACR: What has been the evolution of the industry in Latin America in the years you have been working in it?
Victor: In the HVAC/R industry, the evolution has been remarkable from when I started using telex to the current era of cell phones. Changes have been rapid, with a constant focus on improving efficiency, control and monitoring systems, and environmental protection. Advances in telecommunications have accelerated the transfer of information, allowing what once took years to be done in days.

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ACR: How do you see the future of this industry in Latin America?
Victor: I see a promising future. This emerging and exponentially growing region is recognizing air conditioning more as a necessity than a luxury. Markets are increasingly demanding, demanding high-quality, efficient products with the latest technology. Although there will be years of variability, the overall trend will be one of sustained growth. Threats could include adapting to changing technologies and managing environmental impacts, but the possibilities for expansion are significant due to increasing demand and technological advancements.

"My biggest hobby is family"
Life has given Victor a beautiful family, his marriage has been going on for 34 years and together with his wife and three children they share special moments. "Fortunately, thank God, I've been married since 1989, who has been my girlfriend since 1987.

I have three children, two of whom are already married and developing their professional careers in different areas. My biggest hobby is my family; I really enjoy spending time with them, especially on trips and social service activities. I like to explore the world in different cities, share different cultures and nature, especially hiking with my wife, which is one of her favorite activities."

Victor enjoyed playing basketball in his childhood, however, a wise piece of advice perhaps led him to what he is today as a professional and as a person.

"As a child I was passionate about basketball, but a crucial piece of advice from my PE teacher, Jose Gomez, changed my focus. He advised me to focus on my studies and quit basketball, as it wasn't the right fit for me because I was slow and had no height. His honesty and candor, while hard to accept at the time, are qualities I value and miss today, where being politically correct is often prioritized".

Finally, Victor shared a brief introspection on some aspects of his personality. "What I like most about myself is my ability to concentrate and intense dedication to the activities or projects I undertake. I see everything as an opportunity, even in failures, which sometimes leads me to ignore the word 'no' and distort reality a bit. This same characteristic is also my least favorite thing about myself, because of the intensity and challenge involved in maintaining that level of focus".

Álvaro León Pérez Sepúlveda
Author: Álvaro León Pérez Sepúlveda
Editor - Latin Press, Inc.
Comunicador Social Periodista egresado de la Universidad de Antioquia, con más de 14 años de experiencia en medios periodísticos y proyectos de comunicación digital. [email protected]

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