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Danfoss appoints new general manager for Central America and the Caribbean

Danfoss nombra nuevo gerente

Latin America. This is Renato Pires, who takes on his new professional challenge while continuing as the company's general manager for the Andean region (made up of Colombia, Ecuador and Venezuela), a position he has held for the last few years.

The current General Manager of Danfoss Andina, Central America and the Caribbean holds a Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration with International Trade (BBA) from the University of San Judas Tadeo and also completed a Master's Degree in Business Administration (MBA) from the Getulio Vargas Foundation, both higher education institutions located in Brazil.

Additionally, the executive has 24 years of experience in sales and marketing, supply chain management and production, leading teams internationally in Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador and Venezuela.

In an interview with ACR Latinoamérica, Renato Pires talks about his appointment and the work he will do at the helm of the markets that are now under his responsibility.

- Publicidad -

What are your impressions and expectations regarding this new professional challenge, at the forefront of Danfoss' Central American and Caribbean market?
R.P.: The expectations are the most positive, in the last 6 years I have worked with our team in Colombia in the Andean market (Colombia, Ecuador and Venezuela), countries that have many similarities with the Central American and Caribbean market. Now, our task is to continue growing with our allies in each country, because our commitment to customers is to help them create a more sustainable world through the delivery of products, services and solutions differentiated by their high quality, absolute reliability and advanced innovation. In addition, we want Danfoss' leadership in its different business areas based on energy savings and carbon footprint reduction to have a positive impact on the region.

What are the differences between the Andean Region market and the Central American and Caribbean market?
R.P.: As I mentioned, there is a great similarity between these countries, as well as others with technological influence from the United States. At the market level, the food and beverage, goods and services, tourism and HVAC segments have a lot of relevance and development in these countries and are segments where our solutions are applied and help their development. Politics and economics play an important role, positively impacting GDP in various countries in the region.

How will you seek to strategically project the company, in order to consolidate and expand its presence in Central America and the Caribbean?
R.P.: Having a strategic location, as we are located in Colombia, Costa Rica, Panama and Miami, with technical and commercial capacity to provide personalized attention to the entire region. In addition, Danfoss has diversified its portfolio into various integrated solutions, becoming a commercial partner differentiated by technologies based on energy efficiency with the lowest environmental impact. Our strategic marketing work and market analysis in each country of the region is underway, so that we have a collaborative process of growth with our commercial partners and greater presence of the brand through participation in key events in the region, continuous training for customers, installers, contractors and end users. Undoubtedly, this work to strengthen the region would not be achieved without a great team that is committed and capable of achieving each of the objectives in the Central American and Caribbean region.

Álvaro León Pérez Sepúlveda
Author: Álvaro León Pérez Sepúlveda
Editor - Latin Press, Inc.
Comunicador Social Periodista egresado de la Universidad de Antioquia, con más de 14 años de experiencia en medios periodísticos y proyectos de comunicación digital. [email protected]

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