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Tailor-made interior conditioning

altLG Electronics made in Cancun, Mexico, the official presentation of its new variable volume range called Multi V IV. A system that due to its performance, reliability and flexibility of installation make it one of the best options for the air conditioning of buildings in Latin America.

by Santiago Jaramillo Hincapié

With the presence of representatives from all over the Latin American region, among which were distributors, integrators and end users, the company LG Electronics made in Cancun, in mid-November, the official presentation of its new multi V IV variable volume range.

The company has incorporated its best technology into Multi V IV, such as the innovative fourth-generation Inverter compressor. This model works with steam injection and with the exclusive high pressure oil return system (HIPOR). The heat exchange system has also been improved to increase both efficiency and heating capacity.

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According to engineer Fernando Rodríguez, manager of the air conditioning and energy area of the LG Electronics company for Colombia, this is a system that due to its performance, reliability and flexibility of installation make it one of the most important options for the air conditioning of buildings. Synonymous with efficiency, LG makes it possible, with this equipment, a minimum consumption and enjoy optimal performance.

As Rodríguez explained, "the new Multi V IV range is characterized by notable improvements in four key elements of VRF technology: the compressor, the heat exchanger, the oil and the refrigerant."

Similarly, the manager of the air conditioning and energy area of the LG Electronics company for Colombia adds that "Multi V IV uses the experience acquired with the previous series and lg's continuous efforts in research and development to offer a system with the highest energy efficiency in the market, in addition to the highest degree of reliability and backed by a wide guarantee".

As Rodríguez already mentioned, the novelties that Multi V IV incorporates also have a positive impact on the reliability of the system. In addition, the new compressor reduces its error rate by 80% and its self-testing system is faster and allows to avoid possible problems.

Another of the improvements offered by Multi V IV is a complete remote intelligent management system of the equipment, which can be controlled from a PC or from a smartphone, through an app. In this sense, there is an application for users and a different one for the administrator. This ensures optimal resource management.

Likewise, its differential design, another of the important novelties that occurs thanks to LG's commitment to innovation, allows indoor and outdoor units to be separated up to 110 meters. Also, indoor units can be placed with a distance of 40 meters from each other.

In addition, the weight of the outdoor units has been considerably reduced. In fact, the 20HP (300 kg) model is 25% lighter than the equivalent of the competition. The result of these improvements is an air conditioning system that is easier to install and with a great capacity to adapt to different types of buildings.

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Similarly, Sewoo Park, LG's CEO for Latin America commented that "LG invests 12% of its total turnover worldwide in R&D. That is why it is able to launch innovative solutions in all the sectors in which it has a presence, such as air conditioning. That commitment to innovation is now concentrated in Multi V IV".

Park also highlighted LG's concern for the care of the planet and its resources: "Our company always works to take care of our house, the earth, we care about reducing everything that can cause damage to the environment such as carbon and energy." He also added that consumer safety is a policy that all companies must keep in mind because it is an issue that must be paid close attention to.

To highlight
Key aspects of the Multi V IV

Compressor: Equipped with 100% of Inverter compressors, which include a high pressure oil return system (HiPORTM) that greatly reduces the loss of refrigerant and energy compared to conventional systems. It allows the high-pressure refrigerant gas not to lose volume in the tube to the compressor by returning oil directly from the oil separator. This is how it is the most efficient than its predecessors, achieving an efficiency improvement in the compressor from 6% in 15 Hz to 33% in 150 Hz.

Heat exchanger circuit: Adjust the pass number to match temperatures and operating modes, thus contributing to a 6% increase in integrated energy efficiency.

Active refrigerant control: Controls and adjusts the volume of refrigerant circulating in each cycle. In conventional systems, the amount of refrigerant is fixed, which reduces efficiency in partial load and heating conditions. The active refrigerant control has a precise five-step control function, which translates into an additional 4% of energy efficiency.

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Smart oil return: It uses an advanced sensor to check oil levels in real time and performs recovery only when necessary to avoid wasting energy. Unlike a conventional system, in which a periodic oil recovery operation is required, forcing the heating to pause.

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