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Scheduled equipment replacement

altOver time, HVAC equipment requires a greater number of maintenance and repairs that increase costs. It is important to identify the time to make a renovation. by Lennox

Acquiring a new HVAC unit may not be on your customers' priority list for this year, but because many units installed between the mid to late '90s are nearing the end of their lifecycle, the likelihood of system damage is getting higher.  Unforeseen equipment failures can mean hours of downtime for your customers and an ever-increasing level of costs as a result of emergency repairs that need to be made. However, for most customers if the HVAC system is working, replacing it only becomes an option when the equipment has malfunctions, which, in the long run, would imply higher costs than the acquisition of new equipment. Nonetheless, there are compelling arguments for urging your customers to replace their equipment while it still works well. Below are several reasons your customer should consider to invest in a planned equipment replacement: Unforeseen repair costs
Older equipment is more likely to fail, and when it occurs unexpectedly, it can lead to lost hours for your customers' business, not to mention the inconvenience caused to employees or the additional costs of emergency repairs. Talk to your customer about repair costs vs. investing in a new system, along with the potential savings associated with more efficient equipment. Spare parts and labor costs add up over time and do not result in improved operational efficiency. Automatic energy savings
One of the main issues related to any investment in a scheduled replacement is the initial cost of the equipment. If the HVAC equipment that is currently in use was acquired in the early '90s, it is very likely that your customer has not been able to take advantage of the significant advances in efficient technologies that have taken place in more recent years.   New HVAC equipment can significantly lower your customers' energy costs and eliminate repair costs in the near future. Thus, the return on investment can be accelerated. Benefits of a Scheduled Replacement
Replacing old and obsolete equipment with new high-efficiency equipment can represent several benefits for the financial balance of your customers, among others:
- A reduction in replacement costs as a result of avoiding incurring costly emergency replacements.
- Greater control of capital expenditures, no more costly downtime due to equipment failures.
- Reduction of energy costs due to higher efficiency levels.
- Greater comfort and indoor air quality thanks to a more suitable size, better duct design and adequate humidity control

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