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10 Benefits of Electric Cars

10 Beneficios de los Coches Eléctricos

Electric cars are on the way to consolidating their presence in the car markets, with more and more models and brands available. However, many drivers are still not convinced to buy one, which is why here are 10 benefits of electric cars that may help you make a sustainable transportation decision.

10. You can use a power outlet at home to charge them

Plug-in electric carsare gaining popularity. Although the first electric vehicles that were popular were hybrids that charged their batteries with the help of a gasoline engine, some vehicles, such as the Nissan Leaf, can be plugged into a power outlet in your home. A 240-volt outlet is needed, just like the one used for an electric cooker, but if you have one in your garage or can install one, you'll never have to pay for gas again.

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9. They are silent

Hybrid and electric cars are significantly quieter than gasoline vehicles. This could be advantageous for people living near heavy traffic areas, and could also pose some unintended consequences. In 2007, the Wall Street Journal published a story about hybrids and the lack of noise. The focus of the story was on the threat that hybrids and electric vehicles can potentially pose to pedestrians and cyclists. There have even been talks of ordering some kind of noise in electric cars to alert pedestrians.

8. They can be very fast

The Peugeot EX1 electric car, which looks like it came out of Tron, broke world records for electric vehicles at the Nürburgring circuit in Germany, an internationally renowned track called Green Hell.

7. They have been around for over 180 years

In 1828, the Hungarian Anyos Jedlik made a model of car that was powered by an electric motor. In 1895 the American William Morrison developed the first 6-passenger electric vehicle. Electric taxis debuted in New York in 1897. Some car companies sold electric vehicles in the early 20th century and in 1917, and the first gasoline-electric hybrid was sold by Chicago's Woods engines. Electric cars fell out of favor in the 1920's, when improvements were made to the internal combustion engine and the road infrastructure was expanded.

6. It's selling well

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The best-selling hybrid model in the U.S. is the Toyota Prius, with 140,928 units sold in 2010. This isn't surprising, considering the Prius was the first widely available hybrid option extended to consumers. Since 2000, nearly 1 million Prius have been sold. The 2011 Chevy Volt sold out in December 2010 and Nissan announced in May 2011 that the Leaf has sold out as well.

5. The range is getting better and better

Smaller, more efficient batteries are giving electric cars a greater variety. Manufacturers are aiming for at least 100 miles per charge, as exemplified in BMW's Nissan Leaf and Mini E. Tesla Motors' line of high-performance sports electric cars offer even greater range, though only if driven at a moderate speed.

4. SUVs go electric

The sport utility vehicle, often seen as an emblem of over-consumption and with terrible gasoline performance, has been made of a new life with the growing popularity of electric vehicles. Car companies are starting to develop SUVs, built on a car platform and reduce weight. The electric Toyota RAV-4 is currently the most popular hybrid SUV, but more are on the way.

3. Celebrities love it.

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George Clooney, Cameron Diaz, Will Ferrell, Jay Leno and Tom Hanks love their hybrids and electrics.

2. Car companies have not always been enthusiastic about electric vehicles.

Perhaps one of the most famous stories with electric vehicles was highlighted in the documentary "Who Killed the Electric Car," which chronicles the birth and death of General Motors' EV1. The EV1 was an electric car, which was shot down in a flurry of corporate pressure from oil companies and automakers.

1. You can do it yourself

Many electric cars have been built by amateurs and normal people who want to convert their current car, with the help of manuals and conversion equipment. Some car garages specialize in converting electric cars. If you're cunning, love the environment, and hate paying for gas, a DIY conversion may be the right thing for you.

Authors: Val

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