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Expert will talk about IP security

What do you know about IP CCTV technology? Do you know how much it costs you to renew or install a solution of these? Do you know the benefits that such a solution can bring to your building?


To answer these and other questions, in the 2011 version of TecnoEdificios, which will be held in Medellín, Colombia, from November 9 to 11, we will have an expert in the subject such as engineer Jaime Berrío, general manager of BT Security, who will give the inaugural talk "Application and update of IP CCTV systems: costs and benefits."

Its more than 12 years of experience give it the endorsement to speak properly about a technology that in a few years will colonize the CCTV market and what better scenario than TecnoEdificios 2011: "It is showing itself as an excellent platform that highlights the trends and innovations that exist in the integration and automation market at all levels; hence the importance of attending these types of events."

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Jaime believes that by participating in the congress he will have a space to share ideas with attendees and experts: "This type of event allows to expose the different points of view of experts in the field and in turn provides the option of expanding the markets of influence where you can reach with this technology".

Finally, the Colombian speaker talks about the importance for attendees of being in a talk about IP CCTV, highlighting the year after year growth in the implementation of these solutions.

"The global trend in the implementation of security systems and especially in CCTV applications are increasingly converging towards the IP world. There are many more benefits and cost savings of these new platforms than the benefits of traditional analog technology. It is also important to highlight that all major CCTV manufacturers are increasingly investing in innovation and development by targeting the IP world, so it should not be ignored where the market is going."


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