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ADIF installs solar panels for the production of renewable energy at the Valdelamusa station

The Railway Infrastructure Manager (ADIF) has awarded the service contract for the installation of photovoltaic solar panels at the Valdelamusa station, in the province of Huelva, located on the conventional Zafra-Huelva railway line, whose purpose will be the production of electricity for subsequent injection into the distribution network with the consequent savings in energy costs.

As reported by ADIF in a note, "aware of its commitment to sustainability and energy efficiency", ADIF will invest 30,680 euros (VAT included) in the installation of these panels in the aforementioned stations, within a plan that includes stations throughout the national territory.

This action is part of the program that ADIF is carrying out for the permanent improvement of the facilities and infrastructures of the conventional width network, with the aim of offering its customers a higher quality service and with better security, accessibility and comfort benefits.

Energy efficiency measures and the use of renewable energies have allowed ADIF to save 4.5 million euros and reduce emissions into the atmosphere by 14,600 tons of carbon dioxide in the period 2009-2010.

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In this sense, ADIF has generated throughout 2010 a saving of 2.5 million euros thanks to the reduction of 23.8 gigawatt hours of electricity consumption in its facilities, in addition to that produced in 2009, thanks to the implementation of the Master Plan for Energy Saving and Efficiency 2009-2014, representing the implementation of renewable energy generation systems more than ten percent of the energy savings corresponding to the measures implemented in 2010.

In addition, Adif will generate over 2011 an estimated saving of more than two million euros in addition to the savings recorded in 2010, due to the reduction of 14.9 Gwh of electricity consumption in its facilities, through the development of 153 new actions in logistics centers, stations, offices and other facilities.


The actions planned in the station consist of an electrical energy production system based on thin-film photovoltaic modules, manufactured with silicon technology.

The panels are installed directly on the surface of the roofs of the passenger buildings, as well as the existing canopies on the platforms, taking care of the architectural integration in them. In Valdelamusa the installation will cover the entire roof of the passenger building.

The energy produced will be injected in its entirety into the distribution network. The Valdelamusa facility will have an estimated rated power of five Kilowatts.

The facilities will have a monitoring system that will measure variables such as the energy injected into the grid, voltages, powers, solar radiation in the modules, ambient temperature and modules, and will notify alarms of the status of the modules.

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The systems will incorporate the elements and characteristics necessary to guarantee at all times the quality of the electricity supply. It shall also include all necessary security elements. The company Solillener will be in charge of carrying out these works.


ADIF has among its objectives to significantly reduce energy consumption in its operations, in addition to being efficient in the use of energy, reducing its level of emissions into the atmosphere and promoting the culture of sustainability.

To meet these goals, ADIF is developing the 2009-2014 Energy Savings and Efficiency Master Plan, which establishes the basic pillars on which to build leadership in the field of energy efficiency, in order to ensure that the company is a benchmark in energy saving and efficient management, both in the railway sector and at the national level.

The implementation of ADIF's Energy Saving and Efficiency Master Plan 2009-2014 will generate annual savings of 533 Gigawatt hours at its conclusion, which represents a percentage of 15.2 percent in relation to consumption in 2008.

In the field of stations, in 2010 actions have been undertaken in 68 facilities in different locations, highlighting the innovative implementation of renewable wind energy systems, called vertical axis wind turbines, in the stations of Llançà (Girona) and L'Aldea (Tarragona) to obtain wind energy to power their facilities. (EUROPA PRESS)

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Authors: admin

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