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RICAM sees it possible that the Canary Islands are "100% renewable"

The Business Cluster of Renewable Energies, Environment and Water Resources of the Canary Islands (RICAM) is preparing its second study on energy on the islands, after the great success of the first, by which it has been known that alternative energy is viable and profitable for self-sufficiency, while the organization saw it possible that the islands are "100% renewable".

In this way, RICAM, an organization that has the support of the metal employers of the Canary Islands, Femepa and Femete, has begun to define the objectives of what will be its second study on energy in the Archipelago. In the initial meeting held between both parties, the draft principles that will guide the study have been prepared, especially aimed at achieving energy self-sufficiency from renewable sources.

In addition, a strategic evaluation will be made in order to maximize the penetration of renewables both in the Canarian electricity system and in other forms of energy, such as biofuels, and will also incorporate an analysis of the ownership and profitability of the facilities and proposals for action that achieve a framework of political support and simplified administrative rules. In all this, the development of specific legislation, a traditional demand of the Cluster, will be decisive.

For its part, RICAM expects the work to have a large team made up of researchers and Canarian companies, as well as technology experts, legal and economic technicians. The breadth of organizations that make up the Cluster will allow us to have a complete vision of the alternatives and means with which the Canary Islands must achieve their objectives in energy matters.

- Publicidad -

The exchange of good practices between European island regions, such as the 'INRES' project, led by the Instituto Tecnológico de Canarias, has led the Cluster to trust that an ambitious goal can be achieved with a broad social consensus. The development of renewables for residential use and the exploitation of sources that until now have not been used such as biomass and geothermal energy, will be key in the immediate future.

Thus, the analysis of the costs of electricity generation prepared by RICAM, with the support of the Ministry of Industry of the Government of the Canary Islands, resulted in the fact that it is more profitable to produce energy from wind and sun than from fossil fuels.

Finally, this result puts the first study of full actuality at a time when the conflicts in North Africa have a very hard impact on oil-dependent economies, as is the case of the Canary Islands. (EUROPA PRESS)

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