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Sonkyo Energy presents its Windspot wind turbine at international fairs in the United States and France

Posted on December 13, 2010

The Cantabrian renewable energy company Sonkyo Energy has presented last week the Windspot, its wind turbine, in two international fairs held in Oregon (United States) and Montepellier (France).

Thus, from December 7 to 9, Sonkyo has participated in the Small and Community Wind Conference Portland, in Oregon, the only fair in the United States specialized in small wind energy, such as the one represented by the Windspot.

In addition, during this event, the Cantabrian company has organized what has been its first international conference for Windspot distributors in the United States, where Sonkyo has a presence and has already installed several units of its mill.

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Sonkyo Energy's other international event this week is Energaïa 2010, one of the main European fairs for renewable energy and sustainable construction, which serves as a bridge to representatives of the sector from countries on both sides of the Mediterranean.


This is the second year that Sonkyo Energy has attended the Portland fair, which includes 105 exhibitors from around the world and the most important manufacturers in the United States.

The company has shown in it two models ofWindspot, the 1.5 and the 3.5.

But in addition to its presence, Sonkyo has given what has been its first international conference, and which has been aimed at its distributors in the United States.

It was On December 6 at the Museum of Science and Industry in Portland, and it was attended by Sonkyo Energy distributors in the states of Alaska, Michigan, Texas, Illinois, California, Iwoa and Oregon, among others.

The conference focused on two topics: on the one hand, the explanation of the Windspot, Sonkyo Energy's small wind turbine, which explained its main advantages over its competitors.

Among them, are its patented variable pitch system, which allows it to generate energy and adapt to the speed of the wind whatever its power, as the latest episodes of strong gusts have shown also in North America, where the Windowsman resisted the onslaught of the gusts.

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Another of the main characteristics that differentiate it from other mills that are marketed in the American market are its design that achieves greater efficiency in maintenance and produces less noise.

The conference also discussed the different applications of the Windspot, whose design makes it especially suitable for domestic uses and medium-sized facilities, such as schools, industrial estates, natural spaces or agricultural and livestock facilities.

As part of its corporate social responsibility policies, Sonkyo Energy will donate two Windspot 1.5 kW wind turbines to the Oregon Museum of Science and Industry in Portland, which will be commissioned in April.

Sonkyo Energy thus intends to increase its presence in the United States, where it already has distributors and has made installations of the Windspot, such as the denzell Bross car dealership, which is located in Iowa and has recently been distinguished by Crhysler as the one that most respects the environment of all that this North American firm has worldwide.


Sonkyo Energy is also participating in Energaïa 2010, which will be held at the Parc des Expositions in Montepellier (France), from 8 to 11 December.

This fair is divided into sectors such as solar energy, wind or ecoconstruction, but also from other areas such as geothermal energy, biofuels, biomass or hydraulics.

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In addition, Energaïa has sections that are dedicated to addressing issues such as financing, investment, training and employment or energy control.

Given its strategic location in the Mediterranean basin, this fair is revealed as a point of exchange of the renewable energy sector between Europe and countries in regions such as the Mashreq and the Maghreb.

Both the fair and the activity have the support of European institutional partners, which develop initiatives such as the FEDARENE show (European Federation of Regional Energy and Environment) and the Convention of Mayors (Association of European Mayors for Sustainable Development, an initiative of the European Commission.

The event counts among its collaborators imEDER, a body made up of renewable energy and energy conservation agencies in the Mediterranean basin supported by Energaïa.

IMEDER, the Mediterranean Institute for Renewable Energy, brings together actors and project managers on both sides of the Mediterranean in order to develop the use of renewable energy in these countries. (EUROPA PRESS)

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